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——Lurking Dragon
Background: This story is set in the 28th century.Rejuvenation is common, and is used not only to extend life but as a punishmentfor criminal behavior. Melody is a fifty year old woman who was convicted ofembezzlement in October of last year. She was sentenced to three cycles from 6to 12 years old. Like all convicted criminals, she is spending her firstcycle(s) in the custody of spanko parents, who are authorized, even encouragedto spank her as often as possible, AS WELL AS as often as she deserves…
Note: This story contains the NC spanking of a(physically) six year old girl. If you are under 18 or offended by suchmaterial DONT READ IT AND GO AWAY!!!
— Lurking Dragon
A Bad Day
Sunday Nov. 8,2748
Part 37 of Melodys Stories
Melody knew better than to misbehave in Church.And, to be honest, she hadnt been very bad. Just a little wigglier andless attentive than she should be. The pastor was at a convention, and Mr. Billows,the deacon, was admittedly a less than entertaining preacher.
Which was no excuse, of course.
So as Mary fixed Sunday dinner in the kitchen, Josh hadMelody fetch down her Very Own Spanking Paddle from her room. Josh fetched hisold hover-cam and tripod from the closet, where they were kept. The floatingcam was upstairs in his study, and he didnt feel like running up himself, orhe wouldnt have sent Melody for the paddle. He seated himself on the couch andawaited the seven-year-olds return. The morning sun could be seen gleaming onthe grass through the large living room windows. The drapes were pulled back asusual, and Josh had depolarized the windows to let more light into the livingroom. Of course, this meant that any of the kids running around and playing inthe yard or street outside would soon be treated to a clear view of a naughtylittle girls upcoming punishment, but so far as Josh was concerned, well, ifMelody didnt want people to see her get punished shed just have to learn tobehave like a proper young lady.
Of course, as a Penitatas, that would only reduceher embarassing moments. Not eliminate them.
A sniffling Melody stepped carefully down the stairs, onehand holding the bannister (as shed been taught), the other her bright pinkhardwood paddle. She came before Josh on the couch, sniffling a bit as shehanded the long piece of painted pine to her stern Daddy. He briefly inspectedthe implement. Quite a bit of pink paint had rubbed off the plain, blanksurface he usually spanked with. Worse, the edge had begun to splinter a bit,from the paddle being dropped (and once thrown by Melody in a fit ofwell-repaid temper). Basic wear and tear—the paddle had seen quite a bit of useover the past year. Because of the wear on the plain side, Josh had been usingthe decorated side for the past couple of months, and now the little verse inthe center seemed to read:
Show Her at You ARE… Spank y… Bot ARE!!
(The paddles sold for Penitatas are designed to lastabout a year— deliberately. This gave the parents a good excuse to replace themat Christmas time (or other appropriate holiday) with one more suited to theirgrowing charge).
"Hm, I guess youre about to need a new paddle,Melody. Well, I guess its a good thing Christmas is only a couple of monthsaway, isnt it?"
(Sniffle) "Yes, Daddy. I guess Ill be gettin a newone. P-probly a biggern thicker one, huh?"
"Oh, probably, probably. Now, lets just get youover my lap so we can discuss paying proper attention in Church, OK dear?"
And Josh took Mel gently by the arms and pulled her downover his broad lap. Her upper body rested comfor
tably on the couch, but herdaddy twisted himself just enough to leave her little legs wiggling out inspace, where they could kick. Then he began to apply his palm to the seat ofher white skirt. Melody yowped a bit as his hard hand impacted the smoothfabric, but her fanny was well-enough padded that the spanks only stung alittle bit.
But her Daddy finished the preliminaries quickly. Pausingin his discipline, Josh thought briefly, then his fingers began to unfasten thewaist of Melodys skirt. Mel sobbed a bit as she realized that he was NOT aboutto pull up her skirt. Josh slid down the zipper, opening the skirts waist,then inserted his fingers and slid the garment down to Melodys knees. Thisleft him looking at the back of Melodys frilly little petticoat. With a grin,Josh began to spank the tight seat of the undergarment.
Now Melody was beginning to feel the spanking as thesmacks stung her little bottom through two layers of cotton. She wiggled andkicked just a bit. Shed really hated the spankings her teacher had given herlike this, multiple sessions as her bottom was slowly bared to the finish.Shed had to describe the spanking thoroughly to her parents at the suppertable after those spankings; she guessed that her distress had led Josh to trythe technique, since she was properly dressed for it this morning!
Melody was sniffling a bit now, as Josh paused again tocontinue disrobing Melody, this time making her lift up a bit so that herpetticoat could be turned up nicely over her back. He then pushed herpetticoat, shirttails, and undershirt well up her back, until there was asmooth strip of pale skin showing above her little white cotton panties, thispair covered with little yellow polka- dots.
Josh grinned as he gently patted the seat of Melodyspanties. She sniffled, knowing that her fanny would soon be really burning."Look out the window, Mel. Isnt that Tommy Denton from up thestreet?"
WHAT! Melody twisted her head around. Sure enough, therewas eight- year-old Tommy. And he was just being joined by Judy, afive-year-old who lived the next street over, and her ten year old brother,Johnny. And next to them was…
"Noo! Daddy, please close the drapes!Pleeze!"
Little Jane was standing outside. Watching with a nastylittle grin on her face as Melody got it.
"Oh, no, Melody. Since you misbehaved publicly, Iguess Ill just let you perform your penance for an audience." And Joshbegan to spank the thin seat of Melodys little panties with firm, stingingswats.
Melody YOWPed and bawled as her daddy spanked her littlepanty-clad bottom. Soon she was kicking and wiggling as fire ignited in herpoor rump.
Then her daddy swiftly tugged her little panties down toher knees, almost without losing his spanking rhythm. All the kids let out ahowl of glee at seeing Melodys little bare bottom exposed for its spanking.And Joshs hard hand began to impact on the exposed flesh.
Melodys howls and wiggles took on a new level, mostlyfrom the increasing fire in her rump, but also in embarassment at being exposedbefore all her friends and neighbors.
Then there was a two-second pause in the spanking—beforeMelody felt the first burning, firey swat from her Very Own Spanking Paddle onher naughty little bare bottom. With her poor little fanny so well tenderizedby Joshs sound warm-up spanking, the firey pain of that sound swat impactingher seven-year-old rump made Melody howl and kick like a little mule.
Josh smiled and applied another good, stinging swat toMelodys nates. And another.
The slow, rhythmic spanks began to make Melody reallyhowl and bawl as she wiggled and kicked over her Daddys lap, feeling sorrierand sorrier, more and more ashamed and punished with each crsip, burningswat applied to her bare bottom. Left cheek, right cheek, across both, thenleft again her Daddy applied firey pain to her poor buns with a slow, regularpattern, a swat every four seconds, that was rapidly turning Melody into apicture of the well-paddled little girl she so truly was.
Then it ended, with a particularly hard swat to Melsbuttocks. And she lay quietly and cried for a minute or so as her Daddy rubbedand massaged her burning cheeks, scolding her quietly about her mischief.
And the kids looking on smiled and giggled and pointedout how red her little bare bum-bums were.
Which was only fair. Melody had seen several of them"gettin it" over the past few months, and had not lagged in her ownteasing.
Then Josh stood Melody up, stood up himself, and carriedher over to the living room corner that was left nice and empty just for her tostand in. And thats what she had to do—stand in the corner. Her skirt andpanties were on the floor near the couch. Her petticoat was pulled up andaround her armpits—held there by her hands, which were definitely NOT rubbingher little red bottom. Or even trying to cover it up.
But soon the neighborhood kids drifted away, as the rumorof another kid getting it drifted in. And Melody stood in the corner untildinner was ready, then had to sit bare-bottomed at the table to eat.
Only after dinner was she allowed to get dressed, thistime in a pair of jeans and a white longsleeved shirt. After all, shed beenpunished for her minor naughtiness; there was no reason not to let her go outand play in the clear fall weather that afternoon.
Then the comm unit signaled. It was Cora Peterson.
Rodger had had a serious heart attack, and was in thehospital.
Mary, Josh and Melody spent the afternoon around the comunit, waiting for news. Finally Cora called back.
Rodger was all right, and he was conscious, and thedoctors felt that the damage could be repaired. But at his advanced age, theyquestioned whether or not rejuvenation was the better answer. He and Cora werediscussing it together, trying to decide if the few additional years would beworth the difficulties his declining health would make.
Over the next few days, the Petersons would eventuallydecide that rejuvenation was the only answer. Cora would be rejuvenating aswell. They had made arrangements with Coras sister and her husband to raisethem; they would be moving to Caracas to stay with them. They would also begetting a new brother, since Alice and Paul were currently caring for aPenitatas, an eight year old boy.
Cora would rejuvenate back to eleven, currently theoldest recommended age for rejuvenation, since it allowed the child to get usedto being a child before the earliest upsets of adolescence hit. Shewould have preferred twelve, but the councelors and advisors made it such ahassle it just wasnt worth it.
Her husband, however, chose to rejuvenate back to nine.While Rodger was definitely fond of applying a hairbrush to the naughty behindof little Penitatas, he was also a definite bottom, a fact that Coras sisterknew very well, as she shared her sisters dominance. Rodger wouldnt catch itlike little Wang, but Alice would see to it that he wasnt treated quite like aregular Voluntaras, either. As for Cora, well, shed enjoy her brotherssessions over her new Mommys lap whenever she could, but she didnt enjoybeing on the receiving side herself.
Not that there wasnt some risk. If she misbehavedbadly enough, Alice would certainly delight in paddling her bare bottomfor it. But shed definitely have to do something really naughty to earn aspanking.
* * *
But back to Sunday evening. Once they knew their friendswere out of danger, Mary and Josh let Melody out to play briefly, and went backto supervising the cleanbots and tidying up the house. They were worried, andwere afraid their friends would soon rejuve and leave their lives, but lifedoes go on. It wasnt as if they were going to die or something.
Supper was a quiet time for the family, then Mary tookMelody up to the bathroom while Josh cleared the dishes. As she scrubbed herbaby girl, who had again magically aquired an amazing amount of dirt all overher slender frame, Mary reminded Mel about her slight mischief that morning,even slapping her wet, bare fanny a few times as she washed it with herwashcloth.
And Melody wasnt perfectly behaved during her bath,either. She objected when her Mommy decided to wash her hair, then squealed andsquirmed when she got shampoo in her eyes (as usual). Not that it hurt oranything, but it was annoying, having to have her eyes washed out with thesprayer and all.
So when her Mommy wrapped Melody in a big towel andcarried her off to her room, Melody figured she was in for a good bedtimespanking. And she was right, of course.
After her Mommy had put her into a knee-length plainwhite nightie, she opened the window to get some fresh air in here. Then shesat on the bed and began to brush out Melodys long blonde hair. A ratherdifficult task, as washing it always left it a bit tangled and hard to brushout. (The other reason Melody hated washing her hair).
As she finished up, they heard Janey from next door:
"Noo! Pleeze! Im Sorry! Momma! I won spash!Pleeze!"
Glancing at each other, Mary and Mel quickly went over tothe window, the one that looked right into Janeys bedroom.
And were treated to the sight of a bare-naked andstill-sopping Jane being led into her bedroom by her Mommy, who had a firm gripon the naughty childs left earlobe. Mrs. Smythe waved at them through the openwindow, but most of her attention was on her naughty little charge. The large,wet stain on her dress easily confirmed her scolding words. She had been givingher daughter a bath, just like Melody, but Janie had not been cooperating aswell. Somehow, a large splash had occurred, and while Jane was tryingfrantically to say that it had not been deliberate, it had obviously happened.And Jane was about to pay the piper for her naughtiness.
Rebecca Smythe pulled a straight backed chair out fromunder Janes vanity table and spun it ar
ound, setting it down out in the centerof the room, where Melody and Mary could easily see it. Seating herself, shequickly turned her naughty little four-year-old up and over her lap, firmlygrasping the still-wet and slippery little culprit firmly to keep her securelyover her knees. Janey yelled and wiggled as her Mommy secured her firmly forher spanking. Then Rebecca reached beihind her and picked up Janes littlehairbrush off of her vanity.
Janes hairbrush was quite a bit smaller than Melodys,resembling more closely the walnut brush Mary kept in her purse. It was a plainlittle-girl brush made of simple pine and painted with scenes from a currentcartoon holoshow.
But it was still a flat-backed hairbrush, and it stillmade Jane howl Noooo!! Not the BRUSH! Noo Mom-mee! Nooo!" as itslittle back spanked down onto her poor, tiny WET bottom!!. Jane criedharder as the little brush spanked her poor, babyish bottom to a bright red.The spanks werent very hard, and her hairbrush wasnt very big. (Shed begetting a bigger one sometime soon, especially if her behavior didnt improve.Even now, for serious punishments, her Mommy preferred to use herhairbrush, but shed left it in her purse for Janes bath). But it still stungand burned her poor bottom!! Especially as her Mommy was spanking Jane withquick, brisk spanks about as fast as her hand could move, 2 or 3 spanks everysecond! The fire in her bottom was igniting at a furious rate! It hurtand Jane was crying and crying. By now her four-year-old bare bottom was dry,but that hardly made a difference as she howled and kicked under her Mommyssound spanking. Then, suddenly, Mrs. Smythe tossed the brush onto the vanityand began spanking her naughty daughter with her broad maternal palm.
As Jane continued to cry her Mommy spanked her right downboth of her tiny thighs, then resumed spanking her cherry red bare bottom.Finally the sound lesson ended, and Melody and Mary watched as Jane was finallydried off, dressed in pair of yellow bunny suit pajamas and tucked right intobed. Then Mrs. Smythe closed the window, and signalled to Mary to close hers.
As Mary complied, she said "I Guess Becky doesntwant Jane to be disturbed by your spanking, Mel."
Gulp. "Th-thats considerate of her. Babys like Janeneed their rest, huh? An after that spankin Janell have trouble sleepinanyway!"
"Hmph. Youre not much more than a baby yourself,young lady. Just barely seven years old!! Well, come over to your bed,little miss! Its time for me to spank some of the naughtiness out of yourlittle bare bottom!!"
And thats just what Mary did. Take Melody over herknees, turn up the back of her little nightie, and spank her naughty littlebare bottom back to a bright, hot pink. Then it was Marys turn to tuck acrying little girl into her bed to cry herself to sleep.
【美乐蒂故事集】37.糟糕的一天 原文奉上~