AIMEE – 艾米
" 你现在就给我上楼回到你的房间! 小姐… 并准备好… 因为在非常短的时间里我就要上来让你屁股的颜色加深!"
18岁的红发女孩简直不敢相信她的耳朵. 她的父亲打算打她屁股… 并且从他的表情看来, 会打得很重… 其实, 她每次挨打都很重. 她知道在父亲生气的时候最好不要跟他争论… 那只会让事情变得更糟, 所以, 她迅速跑上楼, 逃避着她弟弟们的嘲笑声, 推开他们, 进了自己的房间, 她因为即将发生的惩罚带来的窘态感而脸红. 也许现在她自己在这个房间里, 她能冷静的想出一个可以被饶恕的理由… 她必须想, 快速的想.
从关上身后的门之后, 她就开始疯狂的思考着可以脱身的借口, 但是当她紧张的坐在她干净的床上, 它干净的程度证明了她的犯的错, 她知道她没办法逃避.
她犯下的是一个住在家里的女孩最基本的过错. 她一夜没回家, 并没跟家里联系. 她的测夜不归使她的父母有了各种各样的想法.
她可以肯定有车祸和警察追逐的场面, 或者, 酒醉乱性的场面填满了她父母的头脑, 并且真相是, 后者几乎不错, 但她没敢再想下去. 她的父亲绝对会杀了她, 如果他知道在不到二个小时之前, 她赤裸着身体, 因为被第四次带到高潮, 而心醉神迷的扭动, 把她弄得接近精疲力尽…
是的, 那真的很美妙, 他的阴茎很粗也很坚硬, 他的舌功纯熟, 让她情不自禁的回想刚才的一幕一幕… 但是现在, 她必须付出代价, 突然, 她感觉她的下体又流出渴望激情的蜜汁. 当她想起她父亲可能会发现的时候, 她顿时打了个冷战, 她必须去洗个澡, 但是现在已经太晚了, 她父亲上楼梯沉重的脚步声越来越响. 她胸口感到一阵恐惧. 这时, 她看到她卧室房间笨重的门把被扭开了.
“这是不可原谅的, 小姐…你让你母亲为你担心的生病, 那么, 我将会确定你会长时间的记住这次教训… 现在把短裤脱掉… 我说现在!” 她父亲对站在他面前的大一女孩咆哮.
“爸… 爸爸… 我很抱歉…” 俏丽的女孩结结巴巴的说, 设法让高大的父亲怜悯她.
“待会你会更抱歉… 现在就把它给我脱掉!”
艾米, 知道她除了顺从, 没有其它的选择了, 她低下头双眼盯着地板, 紧张的用手指解开就牛仔裤的纽扣. 她完成了父亲的指令, 现在她的牛仔裤的后面布料从她柔软的大腿滑过, 一直掉到膝盖处.
在她执行她父亲命令的同时, 她感觉到血液全部涌到她的脸上. 少了牛仔裤的布料的遮挡, 只剩下比基尼内裤薄薄的一层. 父亲越过她, 在她的床上找了个位置坐下.
“那个也脱掉… 快点…” 他说, 并向她的臀部打了个手势.
“哦! 求求你了, 爹地…” 红发女孩乞求道, 双颊的温度再次升高.
“够了… 你又为你自己换来更多的惩罚…” 他愤怒的咆哮道.
漂亮的红发女孩, 知道他不是在开玩笑, 以最快速度把内裤褪到大腿的中间, 趴在父亲厚重的大腿上, 她自己接近裸露的大腿紧夹着, 去遮挡她的耻部… 和她的秘密.
“之后, 你要下楼跟你的母亲道歉, 如果我觉得你的态度不够虔诚, 我会给你更多…”
他的大手掴在她裸露的屁股上的声音充满了她的耳朵, 她倒抽了一口气, 她只有万分之一秒的时间去反应那疼痛, 接下来的一下又一下的掴打.
俏丽的红发女孩咬住她的嘴唇, 手指紧紧抓住她床上的被单, 但这都是徒劳. 父亲的大手落下来, 每一巴掌都比前一次更快更重. 艾米感觉到她的眼眶里填满了泪水, 她试着踢动她的腿, 并开始挣扎. 当第一滴眼泪从眼眶里滑下来的时候, 她就明白了, 即使她已经十八岁, 但她很快就会像十岁的小孩子一样大哭大叫.
“嗷… 哦… “ 惩罚还在进行中, 艾米哀叫着, 她父亲无情的大手反复打在她曾经浑圆的屁股上, 确定她臀部上每一寸的皮肤都被打到.
她父亲对她的嚎叫无动于衷. 他女儿漂亮的臀部现在已经是鲜红色了, 但他还觉得不够… 除此之外, 要让一个18岁人从这次打屁股中长记性, 那么就必须非常的强烈… 非常激烈, 所以他继续打, 大掌瞄准她早已火热的赤裸.
艾米放弃挣扎. 眼泪从眼里流出, 哭泣从嘴中倾泻. 她感觉到她的大腿被一只大手压住, 而另一只手如同复仇一样掴打着她的屁股. 牛仔裤和内裤因为她的踢打一直滑到小腿处, 但在两分钟之后那就变得不重要了… 这两分钟内她火红的屁股一定又挨了二百巴掌. 突然间, 好像停止了. 艾米以为她的惩罚结束了, 但她的父亲猛地一下把她垂在脚腕的牛仔裤和内裤拉掉, 现在她从腰以下是完全赤裸的. 直到父亲咆哮道, “把你的腿分开…”
艾米简直不敢相信她的耳朵, 但是多一秒钟的反抗, 父亲就会更恼怒. 他让她知道什么是必须服从.
她迟疑着, 这个抽泣的女孩按照她听到的指示做出动作, 她雪白的大腿在他的膝上分开, 脑海里都是父亲可以看到她粉红色花芯的情景.
“这是额外的惩罚…” 父亲铁一样的大手落在她细嫩的屁股和大腿的内侧. 这种痛是她之前从来没有体验过的. 处罚重新开始, 艾米嚎叫着. 她柔软的皮肤现在被打得更红了.
“从现在开始你要学乖了吗?” 五记巴掌落在她扭动的臀部上, 父亲问道.
“是的, 爸爸, 是的!” 被疼痛吞噬着的艾米尖叫道.
“说…” 又是五个巴掌.
“我会学好… 我会学乖!” 艾米叫嚷道, 她感觉她被疼痛包围了.
“再说一次…” 又是五巴掌落在她敏感的大腿上.
“我会学好… 我发誓…”
“再说…” 巴掌不停的落下来.
“我会学好… 我会学乖…”
“再说一次…” 她还在被酷刑折磨着.
“我… 我发誓… 我会学乖… 我会学好…”
终于结束了, 她并没有听到她可以起来的命令, 但腰上的压力没有了, 她就知道她可以起来了. 她没站起来, 她可能根本站不起来. 所以她从父亲的腿上滑到地上, 下滑时的摩擦让她难以忍受. 在这种情况下, 即使被父亲看到她的小山丘, 和那上面的草丛都无所谓了, 现在不是在乎这种事情的时候.
“穿上衣服… 去向你母亲道歉… 记住, 小姐… 如果有需要的话, 我可以做的更糟.” 她父亲向房门走去的同时对她说.
艾米揉了几下她的光裸的屁股和大腿, 然后开始穿衣服. 连提内裤的动作都会给她火热的皮肤带来难受的感觉. 她尽量避免裤子与皮肤接触. 但裤子穿在身上很难不碰到皮肤. 她一手隔着布料轻揉屁股, 向门口走去.
在去道歉的途中, 她希望这是他最后一次忍受这种酷刑… 但对艾米这个不按章出牌的漂亮女孩来讲, 这显然并不是最后一次.[em07]
She had committed the ultimate sin for a teenaged girl still living at home; she had stayed out all night without an excuse, her truancy past her curfew conjuring up all sorts of thoughts in her parents.
She was sure that visions of car accidents and police chases, or on the other hand, drunken sex orgies had filled her parents mind, and the truth is, the second part was almost right, but she dare not let on. Her father would absolutely kill her if he knew that a scant two hours earlier she had writhed in total naked ecstasy while she was brought to an exploding climax for the fourth time in as many hours… bringing her to the brink of near exhaustion.
Yes, it had been wonderful, his cock had been so thick and hard, and his tongue so skillful as it danced over her juicy sex, but now, she was going to have to pay the piper, and suddenly, she realized that that most secret and wondrous part of her beautiful body still dripped like musky honey with the juices of her passionate lust. She froze for an instant as she thought of her father discovering such a secret… quickly, she had to shower, but it was too late as her fathers heavy footsteps moved towards her room and a shot of fear stung her chest as she saw the clumsy turning of the old knob on her bedroom door.
"Youre in for it good, young lady…this was unforgivable…you had your mother worried sick, well, Im going to make sure you remember this for a long time… now get those shorts down… and I mean now!" Barked her father as he stood before the pretty college freshman.
"D…Daddy…Im really sorry…." stuttered the pretty girl as she tried to evoke mercy from her seemingly towering father.
"Not as sorry as youre gonna be…now get them down!"
Aimee, knowing there was no choice but to comply, let her gaze fall to the floor as her fingers nervously unfastened the brass buttons of the well-worn cutoff jeans. She felt the blush return to her cheeks as the commandment was fulfilled and the soft denim was pushed down her silky thighs to her knees where the now useless garment hung leaving the thin cotton bikini panties in view of her father who pushed past her and took a seat on her bed.
"Those too…hurry up…" he said as he gestured towards her pretty hips.
"Oh please Daddy…" begged the pretty redhead as she felt the blush grow hot again on her smooth cheeks.
"Thats it…youve earned yourself some extra punishment…" he growled.
The pretty redhead, knowing he was not kidding, pushed the panties to the middle of her thighs then as quickly as she could in her state of undress, placed herself across her fathers thick thighs, her own nearly bare thighs pressed together to hide her modesty… and her secret.
"When this is over, youre going to go downstairs and apologize to your mother, and if its not genuine Ill give you even more…"
The slap of his hand on her bare flesh filled her ears, she gasped even though it took a split second for the first embers of the sting to make themselves aware, but another stroke of his heavy palm fell and then another.
The pretty redhead bit her lip as her hand gripped the thick comforter which covered her bed, but the gestures were in vain as his unseen hand began to fall harder and faster, each slap filling the air with the distinct crack which is flesh on flesh. Aimee felt the tears well up in her beautiful eyes as she succumbed to the first movement in her legs, the kicking and wriggling all girls who are being spanked hard know so well, and as the first tear poured down her smooth cheek, she knew that even at the age of 18, she would soon be bawling like a ten year old.
"Ouch…Owww…" squealed Aimee as the punishment continued, her fathers relentless hand alternating back and forth on her once pristine round bottom cheeks, making sure that every inch of her backside received a generous "tanning".
Her father was unmoved by her exclamations as he surveyed his target. The pretty round butt of his daughter was now bright red from his efforts, but not red enough… besides, for a spanking to make an impression on an 18 year old, it had to be intense… very intense, so he continued on, targeting the already hot nakedness of her bottom.
Aimee had let go. Her tears and wails poured from her mouth and eyes as she felt one hand press her into his thighs while the other slapped her bare ass with a vengeance. Her kicking had worked both the jeans and her panties to her calves, but that did not become important to her for another two minutes…two minutes which must have added another hundred slaps to her reddened hot bottom. Suddenly it seemed to stop. Aimee wondered if her torture had ended, but just as suddenly, she let her legs moved as her father yanked the shorts and panties over her ankles, leaving her completely naked from the waist down. She did not understand until the words of her father growled through her consciousness now filled with the sting of her backside.
"Spread your legs…"
Aimee could hardly believe her ears, but a second utterance of the phrase, angrier than the first, let her know that this order must be obeyed. Hesitantly, the sobbing girl did as she was told, her creamy thighs parting as she lay across his lap, her mind filled with the vision of her father being able to see her pouting pink sex.
"This is for extra punishment…" growled her father as his iron hand fell hard upon the tender backs and insides of her thighs, the sting unlike anything she had ever felt before. Aimee howled as the punishment started anew, her soft tender thigh skin now reddening as the slaps once again filled the air.
"Are you going to be good from now on?" questioned her father as five hard slaps sent her hips writhing on his lap.
"Yes Daddy, yes!" squealed Aimee as the pain engulfed her.
"Say it…" another five slaps hit home.
"Ill be good… Ill be good!" howled Aimee as the sting rose within her.
"Again…" another five slaps fell on her tender thigh flesh.
"Ill be good…I promise…"
"Again…" another volley of slaps hit home.
"Ill be good…Ill be good…"
"Again…" again she was stung.
"I…I promise…Ill be good…Ill be good…"
Finally, it ended, she did not need to hear the command to get up, she knew by the release of pressure on her back. She did not stand, she probably could not. Instead, she slid from his lap onto the floor where as she knelt and rubbed furiously at her stinging thighs, she did not even care if he saw the cute little "moustache" which accented her mons de venus.
"Get dressed…and go apologize to your mother…and remember, young lady…I can make this even worse i
f I have to…" said her father as he stood and moved towards the door.
Aimee rubbed her bare ass and thighs for a few more seconds, then began the redressing, her sobs still filling her ears as even the pulling up of her panties brought discomfort to her hot skin. She winced, hard as the cutoffs slid into place, and with one hand rubbing her now clad backside, she moved towards the door, on her way to a tear filled apology, hoping that never again would she have to endure such a "tanning"…but such was not the case.[/face]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006/3/25 上午 07:22:12编辑过]
[ 本帖最后由 ffhappier 于 2008-1-7 20:30 编辑 ]
Thanx Guys~
<> 以上纯属胡扯,请大家不要见怪![em06]</P>
<>Nobody reads my story?</P>
<>This is why I dont write any more stories… NO one reads it…</P>
<>Theres another great story, but I dont know if ppl want to read the translation…</P>
<>I need some support~</P>
<>Tai gan xie le… <—Pin yin~</P>[em01]
嘎“`翻译这种事情,完全看中英文对号的水平吧…(我现在有点困难了><|||) 之后再把中文的弄通顺,好听,顺耳… 就行了~