Begining Domestic Discipline :Brought to you by leaning Domestic Discipline
Welcome To The Leaning Domestic Discipline Beginner Packet
“ 家规学习 ” 新手指南卷首语
You’re probably feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and even a little bit scared. But, even with those uneasy feelings dancing in your heart, you’re also probably feeling a lot of excitement and anticipation. Domestic discipline has the potential to positively impact your relationship and domestic discipline has the potential to positively impact your home. Domestic discipline also has the potential to bring an elevated level of joy and happiness in your life and we’re sure you cannot wait to get started.
Does all of that closely reflect the way you’re feeling about domestic discipline? If so, you’re certainly not alone. You and so many others feel that way about this lifestyle.
Learning Domestic Discipline believes that this lifestyle can do all of those things for your relationship and home, and all it takes is one little commitment. Well, who are we kidding? All it takes is one HUGE commitment. Don’t worry – Learning Domestic Discipline is here to help you and your partner through it all.
Our names are Clint and Chelsea and we founded Learning Domestic Discipline in 2011 after practicing domestic discipline for many years in our own marriage. Yet shortly after we began domestic discipline, we realized that there were no instructional/advice domestic discipline blogs or websites anywhere on the web. Before long, our blogs branched into our website, www.learningdd.com, which is an ever-changing and expanding site.
We designed this packet for several reasons. The first reason being that we wanted an easy go-to resource for people who are contemplating the lifestyle, or for those who are just starting out. The second reason is because we know that, sometimes, on our new blog it can be hard to find information solely for beginners since the information is intermixed with other topics. Third, this is a packet that we wish we had when we were beginning domestic discipline!
This packet contains an abundance of information designed and written for those just starting out with the domestic discipline lifestyle. It starts with defining domestic discipline, and it continues to walk you right through all the information you will need to begin practicing domestic discipline in your own relationship.
This packet also contains tips on how to discuss the idea of domestic discipline with your partner, the emotions each partner will experience as they get started with the lifestyle, recommendations on how to safely administer punishments, and so much more.
We hope that you find this information useful and we hope that it provides a good launching pad, or starting point, for beginning your domestic discipline relationship.
We’re thankful that you have downloaded this packet, but more importantly, we are happy that you are considering incorporating domestic discipline as a part of your relationship.
So, without further ado, let’s get started!
-Clint & Chelsea
What is Domestic Discipline?(什么是家规)
Getting Your Partner on Board(让你的伴侣和你一起实行)
Head of the Household Emotions(主上大人的情绪(主导者的情绪))
Submissive Partner Emotions(顺从者的情绪(从属者的情绪))
Removing Privileges(取消特权)
Corner Time(面壁时间)
Bedroom Time(卧室时间)
The First Spanking(首次打屁股)
Beginner Spankings(入门打屁股)
Spanking Implements(打屁股机制建立成功)
Spanking Positions(挨打的位置)
Over or Under the Clothes(穿不穿衣服)
Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)
Ready to Get Started?(准备好开始了吗?)
If you look on 10 different domestic discipline websites that attempt to define this lifestyle, youll likely find 10 different definitions as to what exactly domestic discipline is. Its a difficult concept to define. Domestic discipline means something different to each individual couple that practices it. Once you establish domestic discipline in your own relationship, you’ll have your own personal definition of it as well. It’s unique to all of us.
Having said that, a number of defining characteristics of a domestic discipline relationship are fairly universal to each domestic discipline relationship. The following definition includes those universal characteristics, and each of those characteristics is elaborated on below the definition.
We at Learning Domestic Discipline define domestic discipline as follows:
Domestic discipline is the practice between two consenting life partners in which the head of the household (HoH) takes the necessary measures to achieve a healthy relationship dynamic; the necessary measures to create a healthy home environment; and the necessary measures to protect all members of the family from dangerous or detrimental outcomes by punishing the contributing, and thus unwanted, behaviors for the greater good of the entire family. In addition to punishing the unwanted behaviors, the head of the household is responsible for reinforcing positive behaviors for the greater good of the entire family. The head of the household is ALWAYS to conduct themselves in a very safe, loving, healthy, controlled, and composed manner.
There is a lot of information included within that definition, as you can see. In fact, just so were perfectly clear, let’s break down this definition and go into even further detail.
A) Domestic Discipline is the practice between two consenting life partners… – Domestic discipline is generally practiced among married couples. However, the term "life partners" is used in our definition because we feel domestic discipline can be practiced between any two partners who know theyll spend the rest of their lives together. That could mean they’re married, or engaged, or even partners living together for numerous years. And, of course, this practice and lifestyle absolutely MUST be consensual between both partners. We cannot stress that point enough.
B) …the head of the household (HoH) takes the necessary measures to achieve a healthy relationship dynamic; the necessary measures to create a healthy home environment; and the necessary measures to protect all members of the family from dangerous or detrimental outcomes by punishing the contributing, and thus unwanted, behaviors for the greater good of the entire family. – It is the “job" of the head of the household to protect their family from harm, even if that means protecting them from themselves. The HoH must protect the family not only in the physical sense, but in the emotional, spiritual, and financial senses as well. It is the duty of the head of the household to keep the family on the right track toward a safe, stable, constructive, and happy future. The HoH is the leader. The HoH sets the example for the rest of the family. In a domestic discipline relationship, this means the HoH punishes dangerous or detrimental behaviors in order to achieve those things. This is the essence of what domestic discipline is all about.
C) In addition to punishing the unwanted behaviors, the head of the household is responsible for reinforcing positive behaviors for the greater good of the entire family. – Often forgotten within domestic discipline is the need to reward the positive behaviors as well. This responsibility again falls directly on the shoulders of the head of the household. Reinforcing positive behaviors will increase the likelihood of those behaviors repeating, which is always a good thing in any situation.
D) The head of the household is ALWAYS to conduct themselves in a very safe, loving, healthy, controlled, and composed manner. – Any aspect of domestic discipline is NEVER to be carried out when the head of the household is angry or upset. Never. Yes, the dangerous or detrimental behaviors can be upsetting, but the head of the household must ALWAYS punish while composed, calm, and in complete control of their emotions and actions. This practice is always to be done in a loving manner, and never in an uncontrolled manner.
Domestic discipline isnt an easy thing to start in any relationship. However, once a couple begins practicing domestic discipline and remains consistent with it for several months, often times they can’t imagine their lives without it.
When looking back at that definition, the term “domestic discipline” makes a lot of sense and is very fitting for describing this dynamic in a relationship. This lifestyle is “domestic” in the sense that its practiced between two committed consenting life partners, and it obviously contains “discipline” given the punishment/consequence aspect of the lifestyle. Put the twoterms together and there you have it – “domestic discipline.”
One of the hardest aspects of domestic discipline is physically starting with it. Approaching your partner with an extremely controversial and life changing idea like domestic discipline can be rather difficult, particularly when BOTH of you have to accept and consent to living with this dynamic in your relationship.Outlined below are three things we recommend considering before you approach your partner with the idea of bringing domestic discipline into your relationship. Obviously this isnt a fool-proof "plan" but regardless, here are our recommendations.
1. Make sure you want this. The first thing we recommend is making sure domestic discipline is something you want in your relationship. Domestic discipline isnt something that can be turned off and on at will. Don’t get the wrong idea – domestic discipline is absolutely something that can be (and should be) stopped at any time if it isn’t working for your relationship, but it isn’t something we recommend regularly stopping and starting. Consistency is important and needs to be present at all times in order for domestic discipline to be effective. Both partners need to be 100% on board with the idea of domestic discipline, and that starts with you being 100% on board before approaching your partner with this concept. Research domestic discipline first. Ask questions you have about this lifestyle to someone who already practices it. Make sure this is a lifestyle that you truly want to adopt for your relationship.
2. Be prepared for the "common hesitations" ahead of time. The second step we recommend is to anticipate how your partner may react so youre prepared for it. Very few individuals are going to say, “Wow! Sounds great! Let’s try it!" particularly if theyve never heard of it before. Be prepared for a lot of questions and some hesitation from your partner. The following list outlines a number of common feelings some have regarding their hesitations with incorporating domestic discipline into their relationship. Hopefully this outline of feelings will help you to understand your partner’s perspective when first hearing about the idea of domestic discipline.
Head of the Household Hesitations:
They dont want to hurt their partner. This is extremely common, and actually a good thing (after all, who really wants to be in a relationship with someone who enjoys hurting them?) However, it’s important to explain to the HoH that there are different kinds ofhurt, and the intentions behind the "hurt" matters most. For example – punishment is physical pain (in some situations, such as spanking) done lovingly (that’s the key word) with intent to correct. Theres also physical pain that is not done lovingly or with intent to correct (example – punching someone in the face), and emotional pain (example – saying rude things). Both of those are NOT what domestic discipline is all about, or what it stands for. Domestic discipline is practiced with loving intent. Its important that your partner understands that.
They dont want to see their partner cry. This basically goes hand-in-hand with the above hesitation.
They dont want to be a parent to their partner. A lot of HoHs feel that by creating rules/setting boundaries (and then using discipline to enforce those rules if/when theyre broken) they will lose their partner and gain a child. This is just one of those "you have to try it to experience the dynamic" sort of things. We’ve never heard any couple in a domestic discipline relationship say that it felt like a parent/child dynamic. That isn’t to say EVERY couple feels that way – we’ve just never heard anyone say that they feel that way. Its a different dynamic that involves adult emotions and adult situations that has to be experienced to truly understand.
They want an independent partner. Being disciplined doesnt mean one isn’t strong, independent, or capable of making decisions for themselves. It simply means that if any decision is a poorly made one, they have help in fixing it before it becomes an issue in the relationship/family.
Submissive Partner Hesitations:
They dont want to be treated like a child. This goes hand-in-hand with one of the common hesitations HoHs face when first hearing about domestic discipline, which is that they dont want to feel like they are parenting their partner. The explanation for this hesitation is the same – its just an experience one has to try to fully understand the dynamic. We could try to explain it, but it probably wouldnt make a lot of sense. It’s something that has to be felt, not read in a packet.
Theyre afraid it will hurt (the spanking aspect). Well, it does hurt. We’re not going to lie about that. However the pain is temporary, and what the relationship and home both gain from the loving correction of negative behaviors is well worth it.
3. Understand the benefits. After youve studied up on all the hesitations your partner might have about domestic discipline, or what fears he/she may have about it, its important that you understand the benefits of living the lifestyle and explain these to your partner. There are a lot we could list, but we’ll outline the most important benefits to living with domestic discipline a part of your relationship.