Sometimes its hard to be a woman
Raising your son all by yourself
Youll have bad times
And hell have good times
Doing things thatll make you so upset
But if you love him
Youll punish him
Even though hes so hard to control
And if you love him
Oh, spank right on him
Cause after all hes just a boy
Spank on your son
Give him two hands to swing with
And something warm to feel on
His naughty bared bottom
Spank on your son
And show the world you love him
Keep giving all the love you can
Spank on your son
[From "Stand by your Man" by Tammy Wynette, from 1969]
Its not easy being a single mother. His Dad died and me with this young son all on my own. But I managed to make it. Timothy was only three when his Daddy left us. I had been pregnant before my husbands death but I had a miscarriage. It was real painful.
Now he was five. Had not had one spanking, ever. He was a bit bratty but I just felt so sorry for him, could not discipline him like I knew he needed it. Thats part of being a man, spanking the sons when they need it. But one day he just pushed me too far.
Hed deliberately disobeyed me. It doesnt matter what, he just defied me once too often.
"Aw, what are you gonna do about it?" young Timothy said to me. "Youre just a girl."
And right then, that was all it took! He made me so mad! They say youre not supposed to spank when youre angry but I think for every rule, theres an exception. And he pushed me too far.
"What did you say to me, young man?"
"I said, Youre a girl! You cant do nothin!"
Oh, it just tore through me! He felt he could get away with that?
"Thats it, young man! You are getting your butt whooped." I went over and I grabbed him by his little ear. I just pulled him over to the couch in our little two-bedroom apartment. He went along for the ride, having little choice in the matter. I pulled him over my lap and started spanking his behind right over his short pants. My little man started laughing, like it was a joke! I think maybe he was shocked by the ear tug but now he laughed.
"You cant hurt me, you… girl!"
I stopped. "Oh?" And I pushed him back up to his feet. Quick as lightning, I grabbed his shorts by the snaps and I unzipped him in nothing flat! I got those little shorts down fast, and all he could do was stand there in shock. I grabbed his tight underwear and I pulled that down too, his little boyparts just hanging there. And I pulled him right over. "You think youre a big shot because you got boyparts, do you? Well, well see who the little girl is around here!" And I waled in his behind with my feminine hand! He started moving around, almost started crying immediately. I lashed at his ripe little cheeks hard, and he was buckling all around! He just cried and cried! I burnt him up, pounding aw
"Dont you ever tell me Im just a girl again, do you hear me?"
He nodded his head up and down, the tears rolling.
"I am your mother and I gave birth to you. Dont you ever forget that."
I turned him around, bent him over, and gave his little balls a gentle squeeze. "These things are rather delicate, arent they?"
I was not going to hurt him in that way, just wanted him to know that being a boy did not mean he was entitled to walk all over me. He cried out, "Yes, maam."
I let go and he turned back to me. "Now… dont you forget that." He nodded his head.
"Yes, mama."
I felt so bad, having to spank my young son for the first time.
"Come, give Mama a hug." He leaned over, and we embraced.
"Now go to your room. Ill call you when its time for supper."
"Yes, maam." He wiped a tear from his tender cheek, then got his short pants and underwear, and took them back to his room, his pink-red cheeks twisting around as he walked. I just sat there for a little while, thinking about what just happened.
ay. Oh, it felt so good striking his fleshy little boycheeks! Soon they were a nice shade of peach pink.
I hated doing it, but sometimes…
it sure is hard being a single mom.