前注:这是我第一篇翻译SP小说。以前都是广受前辈的恩惠(在此膜拜5T殿,小梅,尼禄等大大,是你们的文章引领我走过SP的最初阶段)。现在我觉得为了把暗夜建设得更好,也应该奉献一份自己的力量。于是,我从最喜欢的美乐蒂系列的索引贴里面找了一篇没有被翻过的文章开始翻译。就觉得这篇好长…6300多词的文章最后我翻出了13000个汉字- -|||。其中不乏不认识的词请教度娘和有道,还因为对作者的某些设定不了解回去恶补前文…但我相信有了这一篇的经验,下一篇文章应该会变得更好~
——Lurking Dragon
准确地说,是去一个商场里的小型设施——“训练地带”。(继续吐槽Discipline Zone-_-||)这里有儿童游乐设施,家长们可以在购物时将还童罪犯留在这里。“训练地带”大部分都是典型的日常设施,有玩具和游戏等等。在放学后,大一点的孩子可以在这里不同大小的桌子上完成他们的家庭作业,但在上课时这里的设施只对更小的学龄前儿童们开放。
Background:This story is set in the 28th century. Rejuvenation is common, and is used notonly to extend life but as a punishment for criminal behavior. Jane is a manwho was convicted of using his authority (as JAMES) to force accused criminalsto service him sexually or face penalties illegally added to their sentences.For that, he was sentenced to 8 cycles of 4-to-8, with Y repression, and wasrejuvenated into a four year old girl a year ago. Like all convicted criminals,she is spending her first cycle(s) in the custody of spanko parents, who areauthorized, even encouraged to spank her as often as possible, AS WELL AS oftenas she deserves… Note: This story contains the NC spanking of a (physically)five year old girl. If you are under 18 or offended by such material DONT READIT AND GO AWAY!!!
— Lurking Dragon
JanieTurns Five
Mar.26, 2749
Part49 of Melodys Stories
WhenJanies Mommy awakened the now-five-year-old, Janie yawned and stretched, thenbolted for the door. Expecting the break, her mother swept the little girl upoff of her feet and expertly placed her over her lap as she sat down on Janesbed.
"Readyor not, little miss, its time for you to get a nice sound birthdayspanking." Mrs. Smythe easily overcame Janeys struggles, and lifted herright hand.
<Smack!>The spank smacked down onto the thin fabric of Janes knee-length pinknightgown, right where it covered her little tushie. Jane howled, more in outragethan pain — for now. "One!" cried her mother.
"Two","Three" and "Four" followed rapidly, and Jane was beginningto whimper a bit as the hard spanks stung her fanny, two layers of thin cottonbarely padding her bottom against the full-force special punishment dayspanks.
Andby the time the one to grow on had been applied, Jane was sobbing as shecontinued to try to escape her well-earned punishment.
ThenJanes little nightie-spanking was over, and her Mommy promptly lifted the thinfabric up over her back, revealing the little pair of pink panties underneath.Before applying five good, hard spanks to the thinly-covered bottom before her.Followed by a really stingy handspank to grow on.
Herpanty-warming over, Mrs. Smythe slipped her fingers under her babygirlswaistband, and began to slip the crying girls panties down her legs, right toher knees. Janes crying increased at her mortification at being bared for therest of her spanking.
Rebecca,long familiar with Janes willful ways, ignored her daughters renewedstruggles — and began to spank the five-year-olds bare bottom with crisp, hardhandspanks.
"Thisis <Smack!> what wicked <Whack!> little girls <Splatt!> getfor <Whap!> their brirthdays! A good sound <Whack!> spanking<WHAP!> on their BARE BOTTOMS!! Beginning to regret your naughty behaviorthis year little miss?? I hope this spanking does some good, child, because wehave a long way to go yet, and I intend for you to feel every bit of this dayspunishment!!
"Startingwith your next birthday spanking — with the little helper paddle you justhate so much!!" And, having picked up the instrument in question, thewoman proceeded to spank her little girl with it. Hard. Once for each of Janesofficial five years of age. And once more to grow on.
AlthoughMrs. Smythe spanked Jane very hard, either Janes little helper paddle wasstronger than Melodys had been, or her little tush was softer. Her paddle didNOT break under Mrs. Smythes hard swats. Despite Rebeccas best efforts…
Janewas crying freely now as the horrible burn in her bottom built up with eachsucceeding spank. But her Mommy was reaching for Janes own Hairbrush — her newhairbrush that shed been given for Christmas. Twenty-two centimeters long andeight centimeters wide, including the handle, the brush was almost a centimeterthick. It was made of solid oak, and Jane had hated it on sight. Her opinionwas confirmed the first time it impacted her tender little bottom.
Butthese spanks were harder than any the little five year old had yet been givenwith her new brush. Full-force special spanks, they burned deep into thechilds tender buttocks, bruising and flaming her little cheeks with each swat,as her bare bottom turned scarlet red, and then almost purple under the harshspanks.
Mrs.Smythe planted the sixth spank, the one to grow on right into the base of thewicked childs bare bottom, causing Janes howls of pain to reach still anotherlevel of screeching penitance.
ThenJane was pulled off of her Mommys lap and set onto the bed next to her. Whileher Mommy moved both her pillows to the edge of the bed. And then the poorfive-year-old was being firmly bent over the edge of the bed, the pillowsraising her punished rump up high for her next dose of birthday pain. Fivereally sound spanks with her Very Own Spanking Paddle, a rectangular walnutBottom-Buster painted a bright, cheery yellow. Eighteen centimeters long andnine wide, it was a full centimeter thick, and was just barely rated for fouryear old Penitatas. It was every bit as big and nasty as her neighbor Melodyspaddle — and M
elody was two years older than Jane.
Janestiny body bucked sharply as the first swat burned into her abused bottom. Shescreamed. But her Mommy continued to apply good, hard spanks to her daughtersbare bottom. Five of them.
Plusone to grow on.
Janecried and bawled helplessly as her Mommy slid her white cotton panties over herblazing bottom. Then Rebecca dressed her naughty daughter in a short littlepink plaid dress. A very short little dress, that just barely covered herbottom. In fact, an observer could just see her white cotton panties peekingout below the pink fabric of the dress.
Whenthey reached the kitchen, where Jane would have to sit quietly and eat every bitof her prune-flavored oatmeal, Jane froze in shock at the sight that greetedher.
Wrappedin a bright pink bow, in the corner, was her brand new CornerStool. It hadfinally come in.
Andonce breakfast was over, Jane got to try it out. Thoroughly.
Itwas one of the most severe CornerStools made. Available only by prescriptionfrom the Corrections board. Instead of having its little enhancers ground outin a rectangular pattern, into pyramids, the stool had been ground in atriangular mesh pattern. So that each little wooden peak was essentiallytetrahedral in form.
Melodyssquare pyramids were 1 cm. square, and 3 mm high.
Janesstool was cut into triangles that were only 6mm on a side.
Andthe points stood up a full 5mm.
Afterbreakfast, Janes Daddy picked her up and set her onto her stool. Her shortdress rode up easily, and her well-spanked seat was protected by nothing buther thin cotton panties as it was gently placed on the wooden seat. Her ankleswere quickly fastened into the restraining brackets, and her hands were placedfirmly on her curly brown hair.
Janecried. Her bottom HURT and the stool certainly wasnt helping.
AsMelody had discovered, the stool was very effective at its purpose. And itspurpose was making a naughty little Penitatas corner time a pure hell onEarth.
AndJanes stool was MUCH more… effective… than Melodys.
Inten minutes Jane was bawling as hard as shed ever done under a good spanking.By the time twenty minutes had passed, the child had been reduced to whiningwhimpers of pain as her poor seat was tormented by the CornerStools enhancers.
Finally,after thirty full minutes on the CornerStool Janes Mommy picked her up off ofthe torturing wood.
Justlong enough to slip her panties down to her ankles. Then Jane was summarilyre-planted on the hard wood to consider her past behavior, and the consequensesthereof.
Foranother thirty minutes.
FinallyJane was let off of the stool, her panties were restored, and her Mommy got herinto her little raincoat before leaving the house.
Janewas not in school, but there was a separate Birthday Ritual for children whowere too young for school, or for those whose birthdays fell on Saturday orSunday, or during the summer.
Andthe first stop on that trip was Assville Mall.
Actually,to a small establishment in the mall, The Discipline Zone. These wereessentially child care facilities where Penitatas could be dropped off by theirparents while the parents went shopping. And for the most part it was a typicalday-care facility, with toys and games and so forth. After school olderchildren would do homework at the variously sized desks, but during school daysthe facility was dedicated to the younger preschool set.
Melodyhad only visited the Discipline Zone a couple of times, since Mary wasntreally into shopping, and prefered to just keep her daughter with her. ButRebecca went shopping with several of her bridge buddies every Wednesday, soJanie was far more familiar with the establishment. She knew many of theregulars, at least the ones who were there Wednesday afternoon.
Butit was Friday morning, and DZs was pretty empty. There were only 3 kidspresent, all Penitatas, of course-two girls and a boy.
Theywere playing Shoots and Ladders — the Penitatas variant — while the onesupervisor, a young woman whom Rebecca Smythe recognized. She was a student atAssville Community College, working part-time to help put herself throughschool.
Rightafter they walked in the door, the four year old hit one of the chutes, and hadto draw a red card from the penalty pack. The card had pictures on it — fivedrawings of an open hand and a picture of a panty-clad bottom.
"Well,Susie," asked Janet Mills, the young student handling the DZ. "Willyou take your spanks, or use a Free Card?"
Susiethought for a moment, then handed Janet a green card — which simply had apicture of a panty-clad bottom and one Helper Paddle with a transparent red Xacross them, indicating it was good for avoiding a spanking up to the helperpaddle, with clothing down to panties or more. Susie had won the card the lasttime shed climbed a ladder.
Therewas a good reason for winning the game, colloquially called Spanks and Excuses,since the losers would have to draw one card for each of their years of agefrom the Penalty Pack — and any they couldnt Excuse with their own green cardswould be sequentially applied to their bottoms — in the required order; allClothed spanks first (Card has a picture of a skirt and a pair of shorts, plusthe spanks, of course). Hand spanks, followed by Helper Paddle, then Ruler,then Hairbrush, with the number of spanks represented by the number ofimplements pictured on the card. Followed by all Panty/Underwear spanks, thenall the Bare Bottom spanks earned, all applied by the Supervisor to thechildrens bottoms.
Andthe winner would get to draw ONE red card for each opposing player — and get tospank THEM however the card read. With NO Excuses allowed.
Butthe game was interrupted by the Smythes arrival. "I called aheadyesterday. Today is little Janes birthday, and…"
"Oh,yes!! I remember. Well, kids, we get to have a little party now, dont we!! Butfirst, Janey, come her and let Miss Janet give you your birthday spanking!!James, hand me the little Helper Paddle please…"
Andas the grinning little five year old fetched the standard little paddle fromthe Paddle Board on the wall, Rebecca got Janes coat off and hung up, andJane was soon face down over the young womans lap, her white panties peekingout easily from under her very short skirt. But Janet soon had her skirt pushedup all the way, and her panties were quickly lowered to her knees, an Jane wassobbing as the Helper Paddle spanked down onto her poor bare bottom five hardtimes.
Andthen once more.
Thespanking was followed by cake and ice cream, which all four children thoroughlyenjoyed.
Thenit was time for fun and games — and Janet declared that a new game of Spanksand Excuses would be played — the Birthday Varient, of course. Which meant thateach of the three children playing against Jane would get to draw one GREENcard for each year of JANEs age, five. Which would give them five Excuseseven before the game began!!
Needlessto say, Jane got far more spankings than the other children. In fact, not oneof the other children got a single spank before four-year-old Sally won thegame.
Atthat point, with five Spank cards to draw, Susie and James both DID get fairlygood spankings — Susie got six handspanks over her skirt, then fourruler-swats, and finally four stingers over her panties with the helperpaddle. James had used up more of his Excuses, and ended up with his shortsand underwear down for two swats with the hairbrush-back, after three separateunderwear encounters with Janets hand and ruler.
Butpoor Jane had ended the game with no Excuses at all. The few ladders shedbeen lucky enough to climb had been more than matched by the number ofSpank-chutes shed slid down.
Andnow she had to draw five cards.
Andher very first card had a picture of a bare bottom — with pictures of SIXHAIRBRUSHES on it!! The worst card in the deck!!
Hersecond card was a Skirt/Shorts card with four Helper Paddles on it. Next, acard with an underwear-clad bottom, covered by two MORE hairbrushes!!
Herfourth card was another Clothed card with Helper Paddle spanks, but this timethere were six Helper Paddles on the card.
Andher last card also had Helper Paddles on it, two of them. But this time theywere on a card with a panty-clad bottom on it!!
SoJane was sobbingly turned over Janets knees for her spankings, a sharp tenswats over her little skirt with the Helper Paddle—and her skirt was SO shorthalf of these ended up stinging her panty-clad lower rump. Then her skirt wasslipped up so that the UPPER half of her panties could be stung with two goodswats…
ThenJanet took the hairbrush from where a grinning Sally had fetched it, thenSPANKed the seat of Janes panties sharply twice. The pain of these swats brokethrough Janes stubborness, and the child began so sob pleadingly as herpanties were slipped down her legs for a final set of six hairbrush spanks ontoher bare bottom.
Andsince this was a Special Punishment Day, the spanks werent the playful butstinging swats usually applied at the Discipline Zone for game-penalties, butfull-force Special Punishment Day spanks!!
Asthe bawling Jane was let off of Janets lap, to have her panties slid up overher sore bottom, James was having to draw his own Final Card to determine theforfeit hed have to pay over Sallys four-year-old lap. And he drew fourhairbrushes — over an underwear-clad bottom!!
Thefive-year-old lay over the little girls lap as she sat on the floor, hisslacks slid down for his forfeit. And the five-year-old boy was sobbing afterthe fourth hard spank had impacted his little bottom!!
Susiefaired much better. While she got six licks with the helper paddle, they werejust over her skirt. And her friend was careful not to spank TOO hard — shedend up over Susies lap again sooner or
Janesfinal luck was mixed. While she drew a spanking with Sallys small hand, shealso drew eight Spanks, the highest number of hand spanks in the deck!
AndSally applied those spanks as hard as she could!!
Afterthe spanking, Jane and her Mommy had to leave, to go back home for lunch.
** *
Janesbirthday party would normally have been held in the early afternoon, since herguests would usually be children her own age from around the neighborhood.But Johnny Devine had explicitly asked to come, especially as Melody and Elliewould not be able to attend. So the party was scheculed for right after three.
Afterlunch Janey was put down for a nice long nap in her room. Where she stayeduntil her Mommy awakened her, straightened her short pink plaid dress, got hershoes and socks back on, and escorted the little girl downstairs to the livingroom.
"Surprise"cried out everybody when they arrived. Jane forced a smile and jumped up anddown in pretended glee. Boy, she thought, they really dragged out everybody forthis one!!
JohnnyDevine was there, of course, since a few older children were always allowed toattend such parties, and nobody would deny a Medicalos rejuve anythingreasonable that he wanted.
Fiveyear old Judy Shelton from the next street over was present, a Penitatas, ofcourse. A conviction of Assault with Intent to Commit Bodily Harm had resultedin her rejuvenation to such a young age. She was still a hard timer after 5full cycles…
TommyMaloy, from Janes (and Melodys) church was there, the five-year-old paddledin Sunday School in front of Ellie last December. (And fairly often when EllieWASNT there, too).
KarenRobinson, a three-and-a-half-year-old Y-suppressed child molester was there —Jane recognized her from Thanksgiving, where she had been one of the fewchildren even younger than Jane being put through the days severe Pilgrimpunishment.
AndWalter Flores, a four-year-old boy who was a regular at the Discipline Zone onWednesdays with Jane.
Andthat was it. Four little Penitatas children — and one older Medicalos.
Janeydidnt have many friends. Both because she was still in her first cycle, stillbeing very rigorously supervised.
Andalso because she really wasnt a very nice little girl.
JaneDID enjoy the ice cream and cake that preceeded her birthday spankings. Thechorus of five childish voices singing Happy Birthday set her teeth onedge…(one of James Platsburks few real talents was perfect pitch)…but sheendured it stoically in order to get to the good stuff-cake, ice cream, andpresents!
Janeblew out all of her candles, and everybody then enjoyed the chocolate cake andice cream.
Thenit was time for presents. Walter gave Jane a remote-controlled toy hovercar!!It was really a boy-type present, but then Walter knew shed been male beforeher conviction, and knew shed enjoy the toy more than the dolls and dressesthe other children had given her. Walters parents had finally given in to hisdesire to get Jane something shed really like.
Itseems that at least ONE kid her age DID actually like Jane…
Funand Games time arrived — the very serious game to decide just who would get togive Jane an extra birthday spanking, get to give her ALL his or her birthdayspankings on her bare bottom, and even get to use an instrument of his or herchoice!!
Thepicture of Jane, taken while she was standing red-bottomed and crying in thecorner, had been taken right after one of her daily paddlings following herPenitatas conviction. So it showed a VERY sore, red bottom covered by dozens ofopen, weeping blisters. The picture made Jane wince internally at the reminderof her previous suffering. She thought again that even getting back at thatterrible goody-two-shoes Melody hadnt been worth the terrible suffering shedhad to endure during that week of pure hell.
Thebulls-eye had been added to the dead center of Janes little rightbottom-cheek.
Asthe little paper hairbrushes were handed out to the children, Jane took a deepbreath and began to concentrate. Johnny Devine was GOOD at this game, and HEwould get THREE tries at pinning a hairbrush onto Janes bare bottom. But ifJANE could manage to win, she wouldnt get ANY birthday spankings from theother kids AT ALL.
Theblindfold was put over Janes eyes, and her Mommy spun her around severaltimes. But Jane was sneakier than most kids; shed closed her eyes just astight as she could while being blindfolded — and as shed hoped, once sheopened her eyes, she actually could see a bit.
Notmuch — just a thin crack under the bottom of the blindfold. But shed lived inthe house for several months now, and knew every stain and ripple of thecarpet.
AndJane managed to pin her hairbrush within a centimeter of the white bullseyeadded to her red, blistered bottom in the picture.
Itwould be a hard effort to match.
WhileRebecca Smythe suspected Jane had managed to cheat somehow, she didnt knowhow, so the game had to continue.
Judy,Tommy, Karen and Walter all tried their best, but none of them came anywhereclose to beating the little hole of Janes pin right next to the target.
ButJohnny would get three tries.
Hedidnt need them.
Johnnygrinned as he heard Jane squeal, just as his first attempt nailed the pinplaced through the center of his paper hairbrush right into the bulls eye, afull half-centimeter closer to the center than Janes attempt.
Therewas nothing like free-fall training for developing ones kinesthetic sense —and Johnny had always had an excellent feel for where he was and where he wasgoing.
AnHE knew the trick of squinting before being blindfolded, too. Only in his case,it had been part of his training in escape and avoidance techniques, in case ofcapture.
Whichwere, he knew, virtually useless since the Alderran Protocols had beendeveloped. Now, almost every star-travelling race used them, and Prisoners ofWar were rej-repd (rejuvenated and repatriated) as soon as possible —rejuvenated to a VERY young age, like five or six for humans, which kept themfrom being of any further use to a war effort, and then sent back home — so thecaptor didnt need to try and care for a bunch of aliens with, possibly, verydifferent food and environmental requirements for too long. So these days,escape from an enemy POW camp was virtually impossible. But Fleet officers werestill trained in the old tricks — which occasionally had certain side benifits.
Andas a Medicalos, Johnny would get to give Janey FOUR good, sound birthdayspankings. And Johnny had something special planned for Jane, who had done suchawful things to his friend Melody…
"Mrs.Smythe? I know that, traditionally, as the winner I should go last. But Idlike to give Janey one of her birthday spankings before the other kids get ashot at her bottom. Please??"
Janegave Johnny a look that would melt lead, but her Mommy was already replying"Very well, Johnny. Have you decided what implement you want to use?? Ithink my hairbrush…"
"Actually,Maam" interrupted Johnny. He looked right at Jane. "Five and one issix, and I cant think of anybody who deserves six of the best more thanJane. I choose… a NURSERY CANE!!"
Janesjaw dropped and she howled "NOOOO!"
ButJane had been a terrible little girl during the past year.
AndJohnny was, well, Johnny Devine!!
Afew minutes later, Jane found herself bent well over the arm of the couch, herpink print dress pushed well up her back, while her Mommy held her arms to keepher in position. And then Johnny was slowwwwly tugging down her white cottonpanties, revealing her pale little five-year-old bare bottom to the childrenwaiting eagerly for their turn at spanking her.
Thecool air of the living room caressed Janes exposed nates as Johnny steppedback and accepted Janes little Nursery Cane from Walters mother, who washelping out at the party.
Janescane, which shed gotten for Christmas in HER stocking, was made of rattan. Itwas only 50 cm. long, and just barely 4 mm thick, the littlest cane made fornaughty Penitatas. (Useable on only the naughtiest four year olds, and usuallyreserved for five-year-olds—Like Jane, who would be feeling its sting a LOTmore often now that she was officially of age for it…)
Itwas a very little cane. But it was a cane, and Johnny swept it through the airtwice, making Jane flinch at the awful whoosh sound. Then Johnny snapped thelittle cane into Janes bare bottom!
<SNAP!!>"Yeeeeaaaaawww!!" bawled Jane as the cane cut into her tender barebottom. Johnny looked at the bright red line hed just painted across the topof the little childs hips and grinned. He was going to enjoy this…
Ssssss-<WHAP!!>Johnnys cane snapped into Janes little butt a bare centimeter below the firststinging cut. "Waaaiiieeeeooowww!!" went the wicked little girl, asshe discovered that her bare-bottom birthday party spanking was starting out alot worse than she ever wouldve believed.
Whisss-<SPLATT!>And a third bright red stripe painted Janes poor bare bottom."Yeeeeeaaaaah!! Noooo! PLEEEEZE!" begged Jane, but Johnny wasrelentless in his determination to teach Jane a lesson the little child wouldNEVER forget. The last stripe had been below the first two, and now the tophalf of Janes bare bottom was covered by three evenly-spaced bright welts.
Ssssss-<SPANK!!>went Johnnys cane, and Jane broke down into bawling sobs as yet another brightred stripe appeared on her bare bottom, right below the other three.
Shissss-<SPLATT!>The fifth, and semi-final cut of Johnnys cane blazed right across the base ofJanes bare bottom, where she would feel it every time she sat down… andJanes bawling became even harder.
"Andone to grow on!!" snapped Johnny, as he stepped b
ack, then forward,putting all his young stength into his final blow — which he expertly placedright into the crease between Janes bare bottom and her equally bare thighs!!
Janeshowls reached new heights as her bare bottom screamed pain messages into herbrain. But her caning was over, Johnny was pulling up her little panties, andJane was finally being allowed to stand up and try to rub the fire out of herpoor fanny.
"Thankyou, Mrs. Smythe. I wanted Jane to get her six of the best from me firstsince I imagine it will make the rest of her birthday spankings so much more…interesting… for her!!"
Janesbawling renewed in vehemence as she realized how much those burning, fireywelts would make her subsequent birthday spankings hurt!! But she had no choicein the matter, and already little five-year-old Judy was sitting down on thefamily couch, patting her little lap and waiting for Jane to come lie over itfor her birthday spanking.
Andas Jane lowered herself into position, she realized the subtle cruelty in herMommys choice of her birthday dress.
Itwas too short. Much too short; even just lying over Judys little lap on thesofa, at least half of her panty-seat was exposed to the five-year-olds gaze.Penitatas were only suppposed to birthday-spank the back of her dress, but ifJudy decided to…
<Smack!!>Judys hand fell right where Jane had dreaded—below her skirt, onto her thincotton panty-seat.
Rightover the most painful of Johnnys cane-stripes.
Janehowled as the fire burned her bottom. Five times. Plus one to grow on.
Thenit was Tommys turn. And HE sneakily slipped her skirt up just an inch or twoas he got her settled over his lap, exposing even more of her panty-coveredbottom to his eagerly spanking palm. For five good, hard spanks. Plus one togrow on.
Karenwas too small to spank Jane very hard. So she enthusiastically planted each oneof her small hand-spanks into the very base of Janes bottom, right overJohnnys final cut of the nursery cane. And the former pedophile clearlyenjoyed applying each spank…
OnlyJanes friend Walter took it easy on her, and confined his spanks to the backof her dress. He even pulled her dress down a bit before beginning her birthdayspanking.
Andthen it was Johnnys turn. Again.
"Well,Johnny" asked Rebecca Smythe. "Have you decided what you want tospank my naughty little girl with this time??"
"Well,yes, Maam." replied Johnny. "For her next birthday spanking I thinkIll use… THE NURSERY CANE!!!"
Anda crying Jane howled out "NOOOOOOOOO!! NOT AGAAIIIIN!!"
Buta smiling Johnny Devine was seating himself on the couch, patting hissix-year-old legs, and waiting for Jane to place herself over his lap. And thenhe was flipping up her pink plaid dress, and then attending to her white cottonpanties.
AndJohnny admired Janes well-spanked little bottom, a bright hot pink flushingits little curves between the blazing red stripes of her first caning.
Andthat same cane was now in his right hand… patting her little bare fanny.Johnny couldnt get nearly the force behind his cuts with Jane over his knees.But the fire in the childs tender backside made that point moot as Johnny sweptthe little cane down hard…
CROSSINGthe previous welts…
Janehowled and bawled as Johnny deliberately caned her bare bottom in a regularcadence, one good lick every five or six seconds. One… Two… Three…Four… Five……and ONE to grow on!!
Janecried and bawled as Johnny reluctantly returned the little cane to JanesMommy. "I think thats all for now, Maam. If you could please let me haveJanes little hairbrush for her final birthday spankings…"
AndJanes own new hairbrush was fetched. And the hard spanks Johnny planted ontoher hot, welted and very painful bare bottom with the hairbrush back made Janehowl and bawl… but there were only a dozen spanks applied, all told, and itwas soon over.
AndJane cried the tears of a well-spanked naughty little girl.
Eventuallyshe calmed down, and it was time for the birthday girl to hobble over to thedoor, her panties fettering her ankles, her dress pinned (unnecessarily) wellup on her back to completely expose her bare, welted bottom. And Jane had tothank each of her guests for coming, and for their presents.
Andfor giving her her birthday spankings. And that was hard, especially for her tothank Johnny.
Butshe did.
** *
Janewiggled and squirmed through supper, just like Melody had after her birthdayspanking.
Janewas in even more distress, though, since shed been placed on her CornerStoolto eat her supper off of the kitchen counter. And even touch shed been put onthe stool facing away from the ankle restraints, which let her get close enoughto the counter to eat, she still couldnt get her weight off of thewell-spanked parts of her bare bottom. Johnnys caning had seen to that!!
Andshe still had to get her final, most awful birthday spankings of them all. Fromher Daddy.
Bathtime.And Jane would be bathed by her Daddy, as the first part of her finalpunishment. And after her bath, Mr. Smythe dutifully turned his little daughterover his knees on the toilet for a really sound handspanking.
Hespanked in silence, and Jane bawled as his hard hand warmed her still-sore barebottom. He spanked her dry, and then continued to spank Janes poor bare bottomuntil she was sobbing and bawling a and begging incoherently to be let off.
Finally,as Jane cried and bawled and slowly began to recover over his knee, Mr. Smythebegan to lecture his little daughter. "Jane, you are a BRAT. Ive handleda dozen little Penitatas through the years, and Ive NEVER seen aworse-behaved, less repentant, or more wickedly NAUGHTY little hard-timer in myentire LIFE. It seems like nothing gets through to you that YOU are the reasonyou are being punished. It wasnt anybody elses fault, just YOURS. But itseems like you just cant get that through your head. Well, then, well justhave to get it through your bare bottom!!
Whichis why <SPANK!!> you are getting ANOTHER GOOD SPANKING RIGHT NOW!!!
Mr.Smythe raised his hand as Janey bawled out "NOOOOOO!", and resumedspanking his naughty five-year-old with good, sound handspanks.
UntilJane was crying and bawling and wiggling like a well-spanked little girlshould, all over again.
Finallyit was over, and Janes Daddy dried off his little girl and got her ready forbed, gently placing her pink Boswell Bunny nightie over her head and letting itfall to her knees. Then Jane had to use the toothbrush as her daddy watched,then he escorted her by the hand to her bedroom, where the middle-aged man satdown and had Jane bring him her new oak hairbrush… so that he could brush outher tangled brown hair, still a bit damp from her shampooing.
Andafter hed brushed out her hair, it was time for him to brush off her naughtylittle bottom. So Mr. Smythe gently turned the now-squirming and protestinglittle five-year-old up and over his lap, gently smoothing down the pink fabriccovering her little bottom.
Until<SMAACK!!> "Yieeee-owww!" he brought the back of the hard wooddown sharply onto the little girls bottom, protected only by a thin layer ofpink cotton. Though both knew that even that slender defense was to be shortlived. <WHAACK!> went the hard brush and Jane howled again as the brutalfull-strength special day spanks burned into her little hiney. And Janecontinued to howl as three more sound spanks tormented her poor nates.
Andthen, after a pause to declare "And ONE to GROW UP ON!!" the final,good sound swat of her first dose impacted the seat of Janes pink nightgown.The last spank of the day to strike anything but tender, BARE girl-flesh!!
Becausenow Janes Daddy began to gently slide her thin cotton nightie up her thighs,gently gathering the garment up past her hips, and on up her back. Slowlybaring her bright red, well-spanked tiny bottom. To her daddys satisfaction, acouple of tiny sting blisters now adorned the crest of each bottom-cheek,crowning the welts left from her earlier double-dose of six of the best fromJohnny.
Nowhis little girl would really feel the rest of her old-fashioned punishment, hethought. Even as he raised his hairbrush up above his head and delivered thefirst of six hard Bare-Bottomed spanks to Janes crimson bare bottom.
Andhow Jane howled as those brutal spanks impacted her welted, blistered barebottom. But Mr. Smythe applied the five spanks and one to grow on with slow,deliberate, inevitable force. And Jane was howling and bawling like, well, asoundly spanked five-year-old.
Theit was time for the next step. Mr. Smythe let go of Jane just long enough toreverse his grip on her hairbrush. Then he began to bring the brush downcrisply onto her blistered bare bottom in yet another set of good, hard spanks.Bristled side down.
Janeshowling and sobbing reached a new level of shrillness as the wicked bristlesdug cruelly into her well-punished posterior, burning needles of pain savagingher body. For five cruelly slow spanks. And another one to grow on.
FinallyMr. Smythe set the hairbrush down, its punitive work done, as he took up thenext instrument of Janes bare-bottomed torture, her Very Own Spanking Paddle.Five times the strong man brought the walnut board down onto his little girlsbare bottom. Fresh blisters burst into burning existence as the five swats allburned down onto Janes little right bottom-cheek. Except that, of course,Janes bottom was so tiny that, inevitably, her left bottom-half ended upgetting a piece of the five hard swats anyway. But Mr. Smythe centered hisefforts onto the childs right bottomcheek, and the five hard swats left thepoor, tender flesh of her bottomglobe thoroughly bruised and with at least sixbright stin
g blisters that hadnt graced her flesh before. Then he carefullyapplied the one to grow on right over the developing blisters.
ThenMr. Smythe shifted his daughter forward so he could apply the next set of soundspanks. This time to the howling childs left fanny-globe. Again, while theeffort centered on her left cheek, both halves of her bottom ended up tormentedby the hard walnut. More blisters sprang into existence as Jane howled out herpain over her Daddys knees.
Mr.Smythe continued calmly. Again Janes position was adjusted. This time for herthird set of paddle-swats, crisply applied across both her blistered hamsequally. Jane couldnt cry any harder as yet more blisters popped intoexistence all over her little fanny. As five good hard spanks impacted her tinylittle bottom. And one to grow on.
Therewas one last spanking to go. As Mr. Smythe adjusted Jane up high on his rightleg, lifting her blistered, blazing bare bottom up high in the air, Janesbawling reached a new cresendo as she caught a glimpse of his hand reaching forthe nursery cane on the bed next to him through her streaming tears.
Thenursery cane shed already felt in Johnnys six-year-old hands earlier thatday. The cane that had blazed an incredible amount of pain into her tenderflesh, her relatively un-spanked flesh, now in the hands of a grown man, aboutto be brought down onto her tormented bare bottom with a mans strength….
Andthats just what Mr. Smythe did. The welts Johnnys licks had left were nothingcompared to the deep purple welts left by her Daddy. Six tramlines right acrossher bare bottom, where theyd sting and burn and smart for DAYS.
Andas her daddy tucked Jane into bed, he gently reminded her that Sunday wasEaster. That her NEXT special punishment day was only TWO DAYS AWAY!!!
l82581606 发表于 2014-1-25 20:47