吉米是我最好的朋友,我经常见到他。我每年只能见到其他小家伙们四次,在我们的家庭聚会 (嗯,除了蒂米,他是吉米的弟弟,一个7岁的顽皮鬼)。我们每年在圣诞节、感恩节、妈妈和爸爸的生日聚会上见面。生日聚会是最好的。我们可以一起吃晚饭,然后所有的成年人都出去了,只有一个留下来照看孩子。这就意味着我们这群小孩子可以去那个小房间(那个房间也兼做我们的卧室,因为我的哥哥们和他们的妻子和我的姐姐和她的丈夫占用了所有的卧室)。当我们在那个房间里时,我们会玩打屁股的游戏。
所以我刷了牙,换上睡衣。是的,我还得穿着睡衣。我并不想这样,但是我们这些小孩儿都得穿。妈妈专门去买这些睡衣,因为上面要有小钥匙的图案,这就是我们的姓——凯(Key),我们就是小钥匙,明白吗? 这有点别扭,但这些睡衣真的很舒服。我们每个小男孩儿在每个圣诞节都能得到一件新的睡衣,甚至包括那些只能穿哥哥们淘汰下来的旧衣服的小家伙儿。上衣是套头式的,裤子是用松紧带的,所以你不需要整理它们。当你需要尿尿时,你只需要把裤子拉下来,露出你光溜溜的小鸡鸡和小光屁股就可以了。
然后,我把灯关掉,钻进我的床,开始找乐子。那并没有花很长时间。那时时间还很早,即使是对小家伙们来说也是如此,大家都很兴奋(keyed up)(哈!兴奋——那就是我们。明白了吗?)。一开始,他们只是小声交谈。然后他们开始咯咯笑了。然后,这对双胞胎开始嬉戏打闹……很快,噪音水平又恢复了。
我目瞪口呆地盯着他。“但是…但是我已经14 岁了!”
按辈分来讲,这些小家伙们是“我”——西蒙的侄子,但他们其实都是一群淘气的小男孩儿,更像是哥哥和弟弟。当需要的时候,小哥哥也可以和弟弟们一块儿挨打, 在大人面前他们都是一群需要打屁股教育的顽皮的小男孩儿。
行文风格写得还是蛮俏皮的,比较符合一个十四岁男孩儿的口吻。而且还用了两个双关,一个就是主角们姓凯(key),而key又有钥匙的意思。另外一个就是keyed up有“兴奋的”的意思,但同时又包含了主角们的姓——key。
A Family Reunion – Babysitting
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The best thing about turning 14 is I finally get to babysit my nephews. Even Jimmy, and he’s 12 and goes to Jackson Middle School, like me. He thinks it sucks that I can babysit him – or he did, till I pointed out it means we can be home alone without any grownups around.
Jimmy’s my best friend and I see him all the time. I only see the little ones four times a year at our family reunions (well, except for Timmy, Jimmy’s little brother, who’s a 7 year old pest). We get together at Christmas, Thanksgiving, and mom’s and dad’s birthdays. The birthdays are the best. We have dinner together, and then all the grownups go out, except for one who stays to babysit. Which means us kids can head to the den (which doubles as our bedroom because my older brothers and their wives and my sister and her husband take over all the bedrooms). And when we’re in the den, we play the spanking game.
Only this time, there isn’t going to be a grownup babysitting. I’m going to be in charge. And that means we can have a lot more fun than usual. And maybe, if I’m lucky, little Timmy will act up and I can spank him for real.
It was little Timmy who started it all, two years ago. We were having a cookout for dad’s birthday before he headed out with the other grownups for a concert. (Mom and dad are both big classical music buffs. That’s why I have to have piano lessons. Yuk.). Timmy was 5 and he was being a complete brat. His dad – that’s Uncle James, and he’s also Jimmy’s dad – told him stop. (Uncle James isn’t really my uncle, of course. He’s my brother in law. I call him uncle because I was a baby when he married Margie, my big sister. They got married when Margie had Jimmy. Brian – that’s my next oldest brother, and he was 16 when I was born – says mum couldn’t get too mad at her, because I was an accident, too. Anyways, I call him uncle because it just wouldn’t feel right otherwise. Just like it wouldn’t feel right if the other kids called me uncle. Besides, everyone laughed at me when I tried to get Timmy to call me uncle when he was little.)
Anyways, Uncle James said s
top, and Timmy didn’t. Big mistake. Next thing, Uncle James was sitting down and little Timmy was across his lap with his pants and undies around his ankles and his little butt was out where everyone could see it. And then smack-smack-smack and Timmy was bawling and every kid there was standing in a semi-circle watching the show and grinning.
I’d never been spanked. They don’t paddle kids at our school, and mom and dad don’t spank. The older kids say I’m lucky (except for Brian, who says I’m spoiled). Apparently, they used to spank with the older kids, but they mellowed when they became grandparents.
Watching Timmy get it was the weirdest feeling. I was laughing, because it was funny, watching him wriggle and squeal. And I was happy, too, because he really deserved it. But there was something else too. These strange little bubbles of excitement were fizzing inside my tummy and my wiener went stiff as can be watching his little white butt turn red.
But it was kinda scary, too. What if Uncle James decided to spank me if I acted up some time when mom and dad weren’t around? He wouldn’t, would he? But he might, even if I was 12 and not 5 like Timmy . (I was right, too, even if it never happened, because Jimmy is 12 now, and I know for a fact that he still gets spanked).
The whole thing – the fear, the excitement, the laughter – all sorted of mushed together, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it after. And that’s where the spanking game started. I don’t remember exactly when and how it got going, but nowadays, any time we get together, we can’t wait to start the game. It’s a mix of wrestling and tickling and spanking, and the sides change all the time. One minute Jimmy and me will be holding the twins down and slapping their butts – via their pants, worst luck (at least until I get to babysit and there are no grownups around to catch anyone bare butt. Teeheehee). The next minute, Jimmy and me will be overpowered by all 5 littleuns (if we’re careful not to fight too hard) and it’s our turn to get warmed up.
I can’t wait for dad’s birthday.
Dad’s birthday didn’t work out how I hoped. In some ways it was better. In some ways, it was way way worse.
It started well. We waved the grownups goodbye, waited five minutes to be sure they weren’t coming straight back because someone forgot something (it’s happened before), and then the spanking began.
I was the first victim. Jimmy got them all to gang up on me. There was Jimmy and Timmy, of course, and Stevie and Sebbie – they’re twins, and they’re 8 – and Mark and Billy too. (Mark is 10, and Billy is 9). They jumped me and pretty soon I was getting my butt nicely warmed up. I didn’t mind, so long as I got to do it back – and pretty soon I persuaded the rest of them that it was Jimmy’s turn… and not long after that we were just a jumbled up heap of spanked-and-spanking kids sprawled all over the living room floor.
And then Uncle James walked in.
What the heck is going on in here? This isn’t a play room! Some babysitter you are, Simon.
Two minutes later, we were back in the den, just like always, with orders not to make too much noise. Uncle James had a headache, so he’d quit the concert and come back to lie down – and the last thing he wanted was a bunch of noisy boys driving him crazy.
We carried on playing the spanking game, but it wasn’t the same – not for me, anyways. I’d been determined to get at least little Timmy’s pants down, and maybe the twins as well. I’d even hoped to maybe go a bit further and slap their bare butts. And now I didn’t dare. And more than that – I’d enjoyed the responsibility of being the babysitter – the one in place of the grownups. Almost like a real uncle, for once. And now I was just another kid – the oldest kid, sure, but still a kid. It was a heck of a come down. And if Timmy did something naughty, it wouldn’t be me spanking him now, it’d be Uncle James.
The game didn’t last very long. It got noisy – lots of laughing, lots of ’owie’s – and Uncle James was back and telling us that was enough. We could play quietly, or we could go to bed. It was up to us.
I gave up and followed Uncle James out to the living room and read a book. I’m not really into play any more. Not like the little ones. The only game I want to play is the spanking game, if that’s out, I’d rather read a book or a comic. Uncle James didn’t mind me sitting there. He was busy lying down on the couch with a damp towel over his face.
At least, he was for a while. Then the noise started building again from the den. I almost wished I was back in there with them – until Uncle James stood up and stormed into the den. He didn’t shout – I guess he didn’t want to add to the noise – but you could tell he was really angry. He told them enough was enough – they could all go to bed right now, and if he had to go back in there one more time, they’d be yelling for a different reason.
Then he came back and said I was the babysitter and I should make sure the little ones all brushed their teeth and got into their pajamas. I didn’t argue. It felt good helping the littleuns brush their teeth and hustling them into their pajamas. It made me feel grownup and responsible.
I switched out the light and headed back out to start reading again. Uncle James grunted but didn’t say anything. I hadn’t been sent to bed – I am 14, after all – so he didn’t complain. It was peaceful for a while and then, surprise surprise, the noise started up again. Uncle James lifted the towel off his face, sighed and looked across at me, grownup-to-babysitter.
If I have to go in there again, some little boys are going to be sleeping on their tummies… Tell you what – I don’t really want to spank anyone tonight. It’s meant to be fun. Why don’t you go to bed too and keep them quiet. Tell them from me – if I have to come in there one more time, someone’s getting spanked.
So I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas. Yes, I still wear pajamas. I don’t really want to, but all us kids wear them. Mom buys them special, because they’ve got this pattern with little keys all over them, and that’s our last name – Key, and we’re the little keys, get it? It’s kinda lame, but they’re really comfortable. We all get a new one, every Christmas – even the little ones, who could just wear handmedowns. The tops are pull-over-your-head style, and the pants are elastic so you don’t have to do them up, and you just pull them down when you need to pee.
I was just about to deliver Uncle James’s warning when I had an idea. Maybe I shouldn’t warn them. He said if he came in there one more time, then someone was going to get spanked. And if that happened, I’d get to watch.
Okay, so it was selfish and a bit mean – but I wasn’t thinking with my head. Not the big one, anyway.
And I did give them a chance. I told them Uncle James was getting really mad and wanted them to be quiet. I just didn’t mention he was planning on spanking if he came in again.
Then I switched out the light, got into my bed, and settled in for the fun. It didn’t take long. It was early, even for the littleuns, and everyone was all keyed up (ha! Keyed up – that’s us. Get it?). First they whispered. Then they giggled. Then the twins were rough-housing… And pretty soon the noise level was all the way up again.
The door flew open. The light came back on. The twins froze in mid-wrestle. They weren’t the only ones who weren’t in their own beds. Jimmy was tickling his little brother. He stopped, hurriedly, when he saw the look on his dad’s face. Then his hands went instinctively to his butt. He’s my best friend, but my wiener was almost breaking off it was so excited at the idea of him getting spanked. I could hardly breathe.
And then it didn’t happen. Uncle James gave them another chance.
He sat down on Jimmy’s bed – the one opposite mine, which was currently full of 6 little boys and me.
Right. Form a line…. No wait. There are too many of you. We’ll be here all night. Simon – you spank Timmy and the twins. I’ll spank Mark, Billy and Jimmy…
There were loud protests and pleas – from everyone but me. My mouth was flapping open but no sound was coming out. I couldn’t believe my luck.
Not another word, said Uncle James. He said it quietly, but there was such an air of menace, the protests died down, turned into whines and then finally stopped altogether in face of a couple of warning glances.
Simon. You sit down there. He pointed at the end of my bed, directly opposite him. The rest of you – pants and underpants off and form a line to the right of your spanker, youngest first.
I was in ecstasy. I crawled to the end of the bed and sat down while six little boys slowly and reluctantly bared six little bottoms and six tiny bald wieners. It was nice to see boys with smaller wieners than me. It made a nice change from gym.
Even Jimmy wasn’t troubling to cover his wiener. His hands were too busy rubbing his bare butt like he’d already been spanked. Timmy was doing the same. They knew what was coming. But Jimmy had two unhappy boys between him and his dad’s lap, Timmy was right by my side.
Okay, Billy, said Uncle James. Over you go.
I watched, fascinated, as Uncle James arranged Billy across his left knee and then pinned him there with his right leg. Hands, he said, and Billy whimpered and reached behind him. Uncle James grabbed his wrists. Now he was completely helpless, with his bare white bottom uppermost and incredibly vulnerable. I could barely breathe.
Uncle James looked up at me impatiently. Well? What are you waiting for?
Sorry, I said. Come on, Timmy.
I parted my legs uncertainly. Luckily, Timmy’s only 7, but he knows a lot more about getting spankings than I know about giving them. He lowered himself over my left knee and put back his hands. He was sniffling, but he was cooperating. I put a hand on his crossed wrists and stared at his bare bottom. For the first time in my life, I had a little boy’s bare bottom at my mercy. It was the best
moment ever.
SMACK! Owiieeee!
My head shot up, faced with something even more wonderful than the sight of a bare bottom across my lap – a spanking in progress just feet away. I watched Uncle James lift his hand high, high in the air, and then smack it down good and hard right across the middle of Billy’s bottom. Billy bucked. His feet drummed helplessly against the carpet. His bottom jiggled, turned white and then a deeper pink. And he howled. Billy clearly wasn’t enjoying this at all.
Unlike me. My wiener’s never been so stiff.
And I had a boy waiting on my lap. It really wasn’t fair to make him wait. But there was something I needed to know
How…How many? I managed to croak.
Uncle James landed another spank. Billy wailed and started to cry. Uncle James nodded thoughtfully and rested his hand casually on Billy’s warm bottom.
I usually give my boys their age in smacks…. But you’re not going to be able to smack as hard as I am. Give them their age and then half as much again.
I nodded – I couldn’t speak – and landed my first ever spank on my cousin’s smooth little 7 year old bottom. His yelp was a lot quieter than Billy’s when Uncle James smacked him, but it was still music to my ears. Even the mild sting on my hand felt great. For once in my life, I was glad I didn’t shoot yet – or I would have made a mess in my pajamas then and there.
My second spank was better. I managed to put more force into, and Timmy’s ouch sounded a lot more convincing. Meanwhile, Uncle James was back at work smacking the heck out of Billy’s backside. For a man who claimed to have a headache, he sure didn’t seem to care about the noise the two of them were making, between his enormous smacks and Billy’s howling. He finished up Billy’s nine before I’d done Timmy’s seven, never mind the extra three… or maybe four. I couldn’t really give him a half a smack. I decide I was going to be rounding up. The more spanks I got to give, the better.
By the time I finished spanking Timmy, I was really getting the hang of it. His butt wasn’t anywhere near as red as Billy’s, but the two them did a cute-as-all-heck spanked danced side by side, hands rubbing their butts, tiny little wieners flopping about in front. Then it was Sebbie’s turn to go across my left knee (he’s 10 minutes younger than Steve). Uncle James was almost done giving Mark his 10 spanks – and boy did he howl after the first one! – by the time I started spanking Sebbie. I must have been doing good too, because Sebbie was howling up quite storm of his own when I finished.
Now there were four little boys crying and rubbing their butts, one 12 year old in mid-spanking and not enjoying it at all, and me about to spank my second eight year old. It was like an overdose. I didn’t know where to look. I so wanted to enjoy every moment of Jimmy’s spanking, but that would have meant missing some of the spank-dancing, or worse, not getting on with smacking little Stevie.
As problems go, I’ve had worse.
I set about spanking Stevie. It occurred to me if I didn’t hurry, Uncle James would finish spanking Jimmy, and then maybe he’d take away my new toy and spank Stevie himself.
Spanking Stevie was like a repeat of spanking Sebbie. No surprise there. Maybe he squealed a little more, but it might just have seemed that way because Uncle James finished giving Jimmy his 12 spanks when I was only half way through, so the noise level went down a lot. Also, my hand hurt more – but that wasn’t because Stevie’s butt was any harder. I was just getting sore from giving so many spanks.
I let Stevie up and he joined the rest of them in hopping around and rubbing his butt. Billy and Timmy had pretty much stopped dancing down, but they were still sniffling and rubbing. Poor Jimmy, who’d had twelve real stingers from his dad, kept going up on tip-toe and was grabbing his butt like he thought it was going to fall off. His face was almost as red as his butt, and he was crying hard. But that wasn’t the main thing I noticed. The main thing I noticed was that his wiener was almost exactly the same as mine – right down to the fact that it was standing up straight and tall. It made me wonder if maybe Jimmy likes the spanking game in the same way I do.
I sat there, trying to hide the stiffy in my pants and keep a grin off my face, and enjoyed the sight of six naughty little boys rubbing their sore red butts and not caring about what they were showing off in front. It was one of the best moments of my life.
And then Uncle James ruined it.
Okay, Simon, he said. Your turn. And he patted his knee.
I did the only thing I could do. I laughed. Very funny, Uncle James.
He shook his head. And he wasn’t smiling. I’m not kidding. From what I saw, you were just as naughty as the rest of them. Come on – pants and undies off and get across my lap.
I stared at him, gaping. But… But I’m 14!
I’m too old to be… to be spanked. I blushed from even saying the word.