ps.NNL=non nonsense lady 直譯就是沒有廢話的女人 是一本專講女人打男人屁股的雜誌
亲爱的Jack,我真的很喜欢你的杂志,特别是信函的部分,读到其它的男人曾经和我有相同的经验总是另我兴奋,我曾经历过要求别人打我屁股的窘局,我很幸运,因为被我要求的女人说好,并成了我美丽的老婆和严行纪律的人。我在一个充满我深爱和钦佩的女人家庭长大,十岁以前偶尔会被打屁股, 我不记得有任何的打屁股刺激到让我想被打,但某件事情确实让我想被打,当我大到开始注意女孩子时,我的性幻想通常都是充满了眼泪的打屁股场面,所以我猜你可以说我开始喜欢上打屁股了。
当时我已经够成熟了,也估计到自己只能靠幻想,但后来我遇到Lydia,我们两个都是大学一年级–18岁,她没威胁过要打我屁股或是诸如此类的事,但她真的有NNL的人格特质: 人慈、有爱心,但私底下确很严格,在第三次的约会之后,我开始幻想自己趴在她腿上,但后来我发现她在年轻的时候,曾经有两个调皮的男孩被她放在腿上打屁股,自此,我的幻想变成了困扰,因为我希望她也能够这样对我!
在一种普通的迂回方式下,我已经让Lydia已经告诉我她异常的打屁股,但我不期望有什么反应,它实在是太虚幻而令人难以相信和忽略了! Lydia告诉我她打过一个好管闲事的邻居小男孩,和另一个她照顾的小男生,但正是她所做的,让我感到心烦意乱。Lydia对她所做的事感到骄傲,描述生动到让我知道是NNL会用的那种打屁股___光屁股、趴在她腿上、打到那个调皮的男孩像小婴儿般喊叫,但她一点也不会不好意思,你将会知道为什么在她讲完故事时我几乎呼吸不过来,我觉得好像当场要冲口说出自己的密秘,但我不能,还不是时候。我不太会兜圈子,尤其是在Lydia面前,但我猜我的幻想和期望在接下来的几个星期强迫我,我得说出来,因为不能直接叫Lydia打我屁股,所以我决定在接下来的几天,开始故意当个迟钝的男孩;Lydia总是说出她的想法,所以我知道她想叫我做什么。
我老婆以前和现在都是一样那么会责备我,我感觉自己就像是个小孩,在我跟她说多对不起、我觉得多内疚、了解我是一个被宠坏、不顾别人的乳臭未干的小孩时,听起来可能更像(我使用的字都是尽可能让自己的语气听起来在招供,希望让Lydia在正轨上!) Lydia太生气,气到不能接受我的表面道歉,她问我为什么她应该要相信我,为什么她不应该就把我踢出门?这是我期盼的开始,就是现在,要不然就不再有机会了。
我计划且尝试说打屁股,但我说不出来,我就是做不到!我以为我将会被打—我的手心都是汗、手发抖着、 膝盖互相碰撞、心跳的声音大到让Lydia也听的到,我记得要说打屁股,要不然她不会知道我的暗示,但我就是不能让我的嘴巴说出来。 Lydia察觉到我的痛苦和焦虑,她后来告诉我,她想起了那个她照顾过且偶尔打过屁股的小男孩,Lydia说她通常会让他等到就寝时才打屁股,当Lydia到他房间送点心给他时,他总是紧张到像个挫败的人。我当时正像个紧张挫败的人,我试着要求女朋友打我屁股,但确没做好,我不知道她是否知道我在说什么,也不知道她会有什么反应,我想当时的我,和被打屁股比起来,我是比较怕被拒绝,但就只是因此当时我并没有很了解Lydia,Lydia知道我说什么,但她也是不那么了解我,也一定不知道或怀疑一个天生的调皮男孩潜伏在我身上! 她有好长一段时间都没有说话,接着她问, Johnny你说的和我想得是一样的吗?,我想大叫,是! 我希望你像打小男孩一样打我屁股!,但我能做到的只是嘶哑、小声的说嗯!,希望Lydia 和我讲的东西是一样的, 对我的屁股不幸的是我们想法一致。当然,我并不知道自己当时是发抖的站在那里,也没有怀疑会将自己带入什么情况,如果有的话,我不会这么成功的惹恼Lydia、让她决定打我屁股。
Lydia好一段时间没说话,所以我偷偷看她脸上是什么表情,我猜当时的我认为她看起来会很惊讶、恶心,但事实上并不是,Lydia的凝视非常的严肃,但她笑的很不自然、有点高兴的样子,对我说她完全了解我指的是什么,且也喜欢这个点子!我很快的降低视线,祈求我是对的,但在问我,”Johnny,你要我打你屁股吗?”之前,Lydia让我等了像一世纪般那么久。她的语气是一种疑问,并不是,”什么?你疯了吗?”那种我害怕的语气,它更像是, 多好的点子呀!我很惊讶你想起它!
事实上,当我点头确认她的怀疑后,Lydia 开心的笑了,从一个生气的女人口中听到如此危险的声音,任何一个聪明的男人都会逃跑,但我太沉迷于被打屁股的渴望中,Lydia会如何给我痛苦又羞辱的惩罚?没过多久我就发现了。Lydia又开始严格、有条理起来,她告诉我,我想到自己应该得到一个有效又严厉的打屁股!是对的。她说她认同打屁股能说服她,让我继续当她的男朋友,她警告我她会决定该如何打、什么时候结束,接着让我点头确认她到目前为止所说的话和想法,我是她碰过最调皮的男孩,然后她问我是否还记得她跟我说过的那两个被对付的调皮小男孩,我记得,相信我!光屁股、趴在她腿上直到他们哭到像小婴儿一样!那就是我所想要的,纵使我兴奋得像个畜牲般期望得到它,但我也开始真的的感到害怕。
Lydia厉声说,Johnny,回答我! 你记得我跟你说过的吗? 针对我混乱的脑袋,那危险的蹙眉出现在她脸上,Lydia不喜欢她问问题时让她等!我低声的又说,嗯, 接着让我快昏倒的是Lydia一定要我看着她说,并告诉她我记得她说过什么,我的舌头打结了,但她让我结结巴巴的说完每一个令人害怕、羞辱的字,然后让我要求她以相同的描述打我的屁股… 趴在她腿上、在我的光屁股,直到我出来、对我所做的一切感到抱歉,就算在好几次打屁股的经验后,Lydia到现在仍然让我这样做,我还是不能习惯这种窘困,第一次我觉得很尴尬,但是 Lydia做得就好像很正常一样,我俩单独在她家,当我低声的说完要求她打我屁股后,她做到沙发上,命令我走过去,她说将会打我屁股,且说一些当脱下我的裤子和内裤时多令人不好意思、又色情的话。
Jack,我相信你和其它正在读这封信的男生一定在窃笑着,但我在打屁股上,还是个处男,并不太了解;在Lydia用手打我第一下时我就变了,那晚持续的教训让我发觉到,一个真正的用手打屁股比我所能忍受的还要痛的多,我有一个肌肉非常发达的屁股,但我告诉你,那里的皮肤和神经是相当敏感的!我相信男生的第一次打屁股经验一定和他第一次性经验一样令他难忘,无论是他或他的另一半知道他们在做什么,或是知道打屁股的结果会是多好或多坏,他第一次一定会觉得永身难忘。我将忘不了当Lydia开始拍击我的屁股时,自己是多么的惊讶,那种痛苦和刺痛是令人难以置信的,我不介意跟你们说,在她打我十下屁股前,我就已经开始感到恐慌,在Lydai的要求下,我已经用行动和言语要求了我该得的,但打到20下时,我的脚开始乱踢、手伸到后面想保护我的屁股、求她停手,当然,Lydia没有停手,相反的是她让我知道她是多么的强壮、当一个成年的男生趴在一个女生的腿上时是多么的无助, 不须太费力,Lydia把我的手压在她的腿上,然后再回来打感到抱歉的屁股,直到我尽可能的让自己不要像个调皮的18岁婴儿般哭泣。
当我应得时,Lydia仍然会打我屁股,直到我哭的像小婴儿一样,但它不再那么常发生,因为这种打屁股一点都不有趣,很久以前Lydia就开始用梳子,它让我痛到不敢看!但我有时还是须要打屁股,去矫正我的态度、让我感到挫折,当打屁股时, Lydia 会好好的照顾我!
Lydia和我之间真的没有密秘,我们也从不睡觉还生对方的气,都是我带着疼痛、红通通的屁股上床睡觉,但 Lydia从没无原无故打我屁股,我知道也因为这样而爱她, 她也会让我知道我被原谅了,所以我想你可以说即使是一个惩罚性的打屁股也可以很有内容。
Jack,我希望这是你想要的,如果不是的话,告诉我,或是尽可能的照你的意思修改,我很享受和像你这样的男生交换e mail,如果你喜欢的话,我会快乐的和你分想其它活动,Lydia也很喜欢你的杂志,并说如果你想要的话,她可以以她的角度来谈打屁股,让我们知道吧,并维持同样的水平, Lydia和我都相信,如果当年我没有勇气要她打我屁股,我们不会和现在一样那么快乐,也不敢保证今天我们会在一起,还有很多像我们一样的男生,和像Lydia那样的女生,Jack, 或许这封信或在NNL的另一封将会鼓励他们去承认她们的欲望,并找到和我们一样的快乐。
Yours Truly, John & Lydia, WI
Dear Jack… I really like your magazine, especially the letters. It’s always exciting to read about other guys going through the same things I did. I went through the anguish of asking for a spanking once in my life, and know I was very lucky because the woman I asked said yes, and became my beautiful wife, lover, and disciplinarian.
I was raised in a family full of women I loved and admired. I was spanked occasionally, but not after I turned 10. I don’t recall any spanking that was
provocative enough to start me wanting it, but something did and by the time I was old enough to notice girls, my erotic fantasies often featured tear-filled
spankings, so I guess you could say I was hooked.
Like all of us, I knew better than to tell anyone or do anything, so I spent my adolescence and early teen years just hoping an NNL would walk into my life
and give me what I wanted without me having to ask. Well, we all know how that goes, so needless to say, I went unspanked and unfulfilled until I went to
By that time, I’d grown up and figured I’d have to rely on fantasies, but then I met Lydia [psuedonym]. We were both 18 and college freshman, and she didn
’t threaten to spank me or anything like that, but she really has an NNL type personality: kind and loving, but firm feminine steel underneath. I started
fantasizing about going over her lap by our third date, but then I discovered that she had OTK spanked two naughty boys in her youth, and my fantasies turned
into an obsession to get her to do the same to me!
I’d gotten Lydia to tell me about her spanking escapades in the usual roundabout way we all use, but I didn’t expect the response I got. It was too
fantastic to believe, and too fantastic to ignore! Lydia told me that she had spanked a nosey neighbor boy and another boy she baby-sat for, but it was the
way she did it that really knocked me over.
Lydia was proud of what she’d done, and not at all embarrassed about describing the spankings vividly enough for me to know they were the kind of spankings
NNL is devoted to– bare bottom, over her lap, until the bad boys were bawling like babies and all! You’ll understand why I was close to hyperventilation by
the time she finished telling me her story. I felt like blurting out my secret right there and then, but I couldn’t. Not then.
I’m not very good at being devious, especially where Lydia is concerned, but I guess my fantasies and desires built to a critical enough mass over the next
few weeks to force me to realize that I had to take a shot at it. I couldn’t just come right out and ask Lydia to spank me, so I decided to grease the skids
by being an intentionally insensitive bad boy for a few days. Lydia always speaks her mind, so I knew she’d call me on it, which she did.
My wife was as good at scolding me back then as she is now, and she really gave it to me. I really did feel like a kid, and probably sounded like one too as
I told her how sorry I was, how guilty I felt, and how I realized I’d acted like a spoiled, inconsiderate brat. (A buzzword I used as much as I could to
set the tone of my confession and, hopefully, set Lydia’s mind on the right track!)
Lydia was too angry to accept my apologies at face value. She asked me why she should believe me and why she shouldn’t just kick my backside out the door?
That was the opening I was waiting for. It was now or never time.
I’ll never forget that moment. It remains the most embarrassing and exciting of my life. I couldn’t look at my angry girlfriend, I was blushing and my
heart was racing a mile a minute. I mumbled my way through an apologetic speech I’d concocted beforehand begging her to give me another chance.
I seriously considered chickening out of my plan for a little while, but I screwed up my courage and went for it. My voice cracked and squeaked, but I
managed to say that I wanted to stay together and was willing to show her that I was really sorry by accepting the punishment I deserved for acting like a
bratty little boy.
I planned to and tried to say spanking, but I couldn’t get the word out. I just couldn’t! I thought I was going to have a stroke as it was— my palms
were sweaty, my hands were trembling, my knees were knocking, and my heart was beating so loud that I was sure Lydia could hear it. I remember thinking that
I had to say spanking or she wouldn’t know what I was implying, but I just couldn’t get my mouth to do it.
Lydia couldn’t miss my anguish and agitation. She told me later that she was struck by memories of the naughty boy she baby-sat for as a teenager and
regularly spanked. Lydia said she often made hi
m wait until bedtime for a promised punishment spanking, and that he was always a nervous wreck by the time
she came to his bedroom to give him his just desserts.
I was definitely a nervous wreck right by then. I was trying to ask my girlfriend to spank me and not doing a very good job of it. I didn’t know if she knew
what I was saying, and I sure didn’t know how she was going to react if she did. I think I was more afraid of rejection at that point than a spanking, but
that’s only because I didn’t know Lydia as well as I do now.
Lydia knew what I was saying, but she didn’t know me all that well either. And she sure didn’t know or suspect that a naturally naughty boy lurked inside
She didn’t say anything for what seemed a really long time, then she asked, Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Johnny?
I wanted to yell, Yes! I want you to spank me like the naughty boy I am!, but all I could do was croak out a weak Uh Huh and hope Lydia and I were
talking about the same thing.
Unfortunately for my butt, we were! I didn’t know that as I stood there shaking, of course. I also didn’t suspect what I was getting myself into. If I did,
I wouldn’t have done such a good job of making Lydia as angry and determined to spank me as I did!
Lydia didn’t say anything for so long that I peeked up to see what expression was on her face. I guess I expected her to look shocked or disgusted, but that
’s not what I saw. Lydia’s stare was serious, but she was smiling in a smirky, pleased sort of way that told me she knew exactly what I meant– and liked
the idea!
I dropped my eyes in a hurry again and prayed that I was right, but Lydia made me wait for an eternity before she finally asked, You want me to spank you,
There was a note of wonder in her voice, but it wasn’t the, What? Are you crazy? kind I was afraid of. It was more like, What a great idea! I’m
surprised you thought of it!
Lydia actually giggled with glee when my nod confirmed her assessment of the situation.
Any wise man would have bolted at such a dangerous sound from an upset female, but I was too lost in my desire to get spanked to think about how painful and
shameful a punishment Lydia was prepared to put me through.
I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Lydia got all stern and businesslike again and told me how right I was to think I deserved a good, hard spanking!
She said she couldn’t agree more, and that a spanking would convince her to keep me as her boyfriend. She warned me that she would decide how to do it and
when I had enough, and made me nod my approval before saying that as far as she was concerned, I was the naughtiest boy she’d ever had to deal with.
Then she asked me if I remembered what she’d told me she’d done to the 2 other naughty boys she had dealt with. I remembered— believe you me I did! Bare
bottom, over her knee and until they were bawling like babies! That’s what I wanted more than anything, but even though I was excited as heck at the
prospect of getting it, I started to feel some real fear too.
Answer me, Johnny! Do you remember what I told you? Lydia snapped, focusing my confused brain on her and the dangerous frown that appeared on her face.
Lydia does not like to be kept waiting when she asks a question!
I mumbled out another, Uh Huh, then nearly fainted when Lydia insisted that I look at her, speak up, and tell her exactly what I remembered her saying.
I was tongue-tied, but she made me stutter through each and every fearful, humiliating word. Then she made me ask her to spank me using the same
description… Over her knee, on my bare bottom, until I was crying and sorry for what I’d done. Lydia still makes me do that, and even after all the times
I have, I still haven’t gotten used to how embarrassing it is.
It was awkward for me that first time, but Lydia went about her business as if there wasn’t anything unusual about it. We were at her house and alone, and
as soon as I’d finished mumbling out my request for her to spank me, she went to sit on the couch and ordered me to come to her. She said she was going to
give me the spanking of my life and went about the embarrassing and very erotic business of pulling down my pants and shorts.
I was as hard as a rock by the time she got to my shorts and afraid that would scare Lydia off, but she didn’t pay any attention at all. She worked them
over my cock, told me to climb over her lap, and arranged me so my shaft slipped between her jean-clad thighs.
Lydia’s warm thighs encasing my shaft and her hand exploring my bare butt felt so good that I came close to losing it. I’m sure I would have too since I’
ve done so many times since with my loving wife’s assistance, but that night wasn’t about sexy spanking play. It was about punishment, and I’d given Lydia
plenty of reason to punish me and, worse, to decide to teach me a lesson I still haven’t forgotten.
The spanking session Lydia made me endure that night was unforgettable. It was the best and worst of my life, and a lot like the first time I made love to a
woman. I’d fantasized about it, maneuvered Lydia into it, and even been forced to vocalize how I wanted her to spank me, but I was too young and dumb to
think she’d really be able to make me feel and act like the sorry boy in my fantasies.
I was 18 and fully grown, and like most young men, macho about my high tolerance for pain and general invincibility. I expected to feel some sting and pain
as I waited for Lydia to deliver the first spank, but I really didn’t expect her to give me more than I could stand.
I’m sure you and many other guys reading this are snickering at that, Jack, but I was a spanking virgin and didn’t know any better. That changed with the
first crack of Lydia’s hand, and my education that night continued until I found out that a good hard spanking hurts a hell of a lot more than I can stand!
I’ve always had a fairly muscular ass, but I’m telling you that the skin and nerves back there are sensitive!
I think a guy’s first adult spanking is as unforgettable as the first time he has sex. Whether he or his partner knows what they’re doing or how good or
bad it turns out to be, he feels things for the first time and in such a way that he’ll never forget them.
I’ll never forget how shocked I was as Lydia started slapping away at my ass. The pain and sting were incredible, and I don’t mind telling you that I
started to panic and before she landed 10 good slaps. I’d asked for what I was getting by my actions and the words Lydia had made me say, but by 20 slaps I
was kicking, reaching back to protect my ass, and pleading for her to stop.
Well, Lydia didn’t stop. Instead, she showed me how surprisingly strong she is and how helpless a grown guy is when he’s hanging over a lady’s lap.
Without much trouble at all, Lydia pinned my arm on my back and me to her lap, and resumed slapping my sorry ass until I had all I could do to keep from
bawling like a big, bad, 18 year-old baby!
My wife does not believe in patty-cake punishments, and I found that out that night. Although I managed to keep from tearing up and bawling, I pleaded,
howled, and carried on like a well-spanked kid while she gave it to me good. My ass was really on fire by the time she stopped, and I was as sincere as hell
when I told her I’d be the perfect, considerate boyfriend from then on.
I promised a lot of other things too before Lydia let me off of her lap that night, and I guess you could say I’m still paying for them. Lydia made me
promise to abide by her rules and accept spankings when she decided I needed them. She told me that my days of being inconsiderate were over, and that if I
ever so much as thought about standing her up to go out with my friends again, she’d spank my ass right off!
Once Lydia was convinced that I’d learned my lesson, she let me up and turned back into the warm, wonderful woman I love so much. I was so embarrassed that
I couldn’t look at her, but she put me at ease as she helped me cover myself and made me talk until we were both chuckling about what had happened.
Lydia and I talked until her parents got home, later on the phone, and by the time we were through, I’d told her everything. She wasn’t very happy that I’
d put her through what I did and that I didn’t trust her enough to just admit what I wanted. But she understood why I couldn’t and ended the matter by
saying that I’d gotten what I deserved and that was that, but… There had better not be a next time!
I replayed my memories of the spanking that night and fell asleep sexually satisfied and dreaming of Lydia. I was still thinking about her when I woke up the
next morning and enjoyed the feel of my sore ass all day. I know this might sound crazy, but by the time I saw Lydia again that night, I was already thinking
that she was my soulmate and that I wanted her to be my wife.
I wasn’t dumb enough to tell Lydia that until more than a year and many spankings later, and fortunately for me, she felt the same as me. Lydia did agree to
have me as her husband, but not until we’d graduated from college. By then, we had jobs to support ourselves, a nest egg for a home of our own, and an
understanding that my wife is a lot more practical than I am. We also had a deep understanding of our need for and passion about spanking, and had progressed
to the point where I didn’t feel ashamed at all about letting my inner child out by bawling like a baby when Lydia put me over her knee for a punishment
Lydia still spanks me until I bawl like a baby when I do something to deserve it, but that isn’t often anymore because those spankings are no fun at all.
Lydia started using a hairbrush a long time ago, and it hurts so bad that I
can’t look at it without cringing! Still, sometimes I really do just need a good
spanking to adjust my attitude and let out frustration, and when that happens, Lydia takes real good care of me.
Today, most of my spankings are of the sexy variety that we both love so much. We’ve gotten great at role-plays and enjoy acting out fairly intricate
scenarios that end with passionate lovemaking, and we also enjoy straight sexy foreplay spankings. Lydia lets me spank her sometimes for the sheer sexiness
of it, and I love playing with and paddling her beautiful bottom.
I’ve read before where someone says how important a part spanking can play in achieving a close relationship, but I don’t think it can be repeated enough
so I’ll say it too: My marriage is the strongest and best of all my family, friends, and acquaintances, and I know it’s because of spanking.
Lydia and I really don’t have any secrets from each other, and we never go to bed mad at each other. We’ve gone to bed with me having a sore, red ass, but
Lydia has never spanked me without good reason and I know and love her for it. She also makes sure I know I’m forgiven in ways that make me tremble with
desire, so I guess you could say that even a punishment spanking has a silver lining.
I hope this is what you wanted, Jack. If not, let me know or edit it as much as you want. I’ve enjoyed exchanging e-mails with a guy like you, and will
happily share other adventures if you’d like. Lydia likes your magazine a lot too, and says she’d be happy to tell her side of it if you want. Just let us
know and keep up the good work.
Lydia and I are sure we wouldn’t be as happy as we are if I didn’t suck up my courage way back when and ask her to spank me, and we can’t say we’d even
be together today if I didn’t. There are a lot of guys like us and ladies like Lydia out there, Jack, and maybe this letter or another in NNL will encourage
them to admit their desires and find a measure of the happiness we have.
Yours Truly, John & Lydia, WI