Early To Bed by Dr Ohw
Get upstairs to bed, young lady! He ordered. And I dont want to hear ag
sound from you for the rest of the evening.
Hitching up her panties, Janice slowly and sorrowfully climbed the stairsg
calling over in her mind the events of the evening as she did so. The initialg
lecture had itself been a humbling experience…g
Youve been a very naughty little girl. Youve been asking to have yourg
bottom smacked all day, young lady and this evening that is exactly whatg
you are going to get. Now get upstairs and get ready for bed and be quickg
about it.
So Janice had mounted the stairs for the first time with an apprehensive fearg
welling up from her stomach. After putting away her outer clothes and makingg
hurried ablutions, she entered the little girls bedroom as they alwaysg
referred to the small spare room. On the bed lay waiting her baby dollg
pajamas consisting of a slip which came down to just below her waist andg
a matching pair of white nylon panties. Alongside them was a large and, asg
she knew only too well, very painful hairbrush. She hesitated for a momentg
but there was no way out, she was in for it. She changed into the baby dolls,g
picked up the brush and descended the stairs.
Youve taken your time, my girl! David greeted her angrily. Dawdling asg
usual, I suppose.
No. she protested, I…
Dont talk back to me! came the immediate response. And, as he took theg
proffered hairbrush from her, continued, Your behavior has been disgraceful.
What have you got to say for your self?
Please Daddy. she blurted out, Dont smack me, Ill be good!
Oh yes, miss, weve had promises like that before, havent we? And haveg
you kept them? Before Janice could attempt a response he continued No youg
havent! Theres only one thing you understand and that is a sore bottom. g
Taking the unhappy girl by the arm, David sat down. g
Get over my knee! he instructed.
Janice allowed herself to be dragged cross the outstretched knees,g
Davids large left hand moving to rest behind her neck and force her headg
down close to the floor. Janice waited in trepidation as his right hand
smoothed the thin nylon across her slightly trembling posterior. Then…
SMACK! The hand came down on one cheek driving a gasp from her. g
SMACK! the other cheek. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! David spanked slowlyg
and methodically until his victim was squirming and gasping.
Up you get. he instructed, helping her to her feet. Janice rose withoutg
a feeling of relief. Experience had taught her that is was unlikely to beg
over so soon.
Now! he began with ominous emphasis. We will deal with the fact that wheng
sent to change for bed you dawdled over it. And that after I had told you tog
be quick! Put your hands on your head.
Oh, Daddy, please, no! begged Janice, knowing only too well what thisg
instruction implied.
Head! was the only reply and unhappily she obeyed.
You are going to have to learn to do as you are told. David went on as heg
slipped his left arm around her from the rear to encircle her waist, And
if you dont, you know what you deserve. A flurry of smacks descendedg
upon the back of Janices bare thigh just below the hem of the nylon panties. g
Her squeals seemed to produce no sympathy, for within seconds a furtherg
slapping was applied to the other thigh also.
Now. David went on, Keep your hands up on your head. He took theg
skimpy panties by their waist band and drew them down to the girls knees. g
Now take yourself off into that corner, young lady. He pointed into ang
empty corner of the room, And you can just wait until Im ready to beg
bothered with you.
Keeping her hands clasped on her head and hampered by the little pantiesg
around her knees, Janice shuffled over to stand facing the wall.
She recalled the silence and shame of those fifteen minutes in the cornerg
as she now steadily mounted the stairs, the dreadful command Get upstairsg
to bed, young lady! still ringing in her ears. The time had dragged on, but
all too soon, it seemed in the end, the instruction came to Turn yourselfg
around, my girl and come here.
David picked up the hairbrush and tapped it menacingly on his palm. g
Ill teach you to misbehave, young lady. You are a thoroughly impertinentg
little brat. Well, you wont be so pleased with yourself when youve had ag
good dose of this. Will you?
No Daddy. came the miserable reply.
All right, my girl. Get over my knee!
Once more Janice stretched herself across the outstretched lap. The hairbrushg
tapped gently against the tender flesh of her bare buttocks making her winceg
with the thought of what was to come. The tapping stopped. g
She held her breath.
CRACK! Ouch!
CRACK! Yeow!
CRACK! Yeow Oww!
CRACK! Yeoww Owww Owwww!
CRACK! Oww … Daddy!
CRACK! Oww … Oh Daddy, Please!
CRACK! Oww … Daddy Im sorry!
CRACK! Oww. Im sorry Ive been…
CRACK! Oww … A naughty little girl.
CRACK! Oww … Pleeeeease!
CRACK! Oww … Ill be good.
CRACK! Oww … Im sorry … Im sorry.. g
David lifted her to her feet. You deserved a good spanking, didnt you?
Yes, Daddy. murmured Janice sobbing tearfully.
And why? he demanded.
Because… because Ive been… a naughty little girl.
She hung her head, reduced to the status of a sobbing infant. There was ag
further indignity to come. David glanced towards the clock. It stood firmlyg
at eight thirty.
Get upstairs to bed young lady! he ordered. Into bed straight away! Andg
I dont want to hear a sound from you for the rest of the evening.
Hitching up her panties, Janice slowly and sorrowfully climbed the stairsg
to the little girls bedroom, her buttocks burning with fiery intensity.
Being lectured on her misdeeds had made her feel like a spoiled brat;g
being spanked until she sobbed, begged and admitted her humbled statusg
had a far greater effect upon her pride but the greatest humiliation was this.
Being sent to bed early to sob alone!
Within the bedroom, the drawn curtains barely concealed the daylight outside. g
Janice clambered into the little bed and turned face-down, burying her faceg
in the pillow.
A warm feeling enveloped her. Well, that was what she had asked for. g
Tomorrow she might be an adult again, sharing the double bed, but for tonightg
she was a chastened little girl.
Dr. Ohw!