> Ann, I would get aroused when the girls rushed between their bedrooms and the bathroom in their nighties. Even worse, they often asked me to come into their rooms at bedtime and tuck them in.
–Man writing to Ann Landers, 6-16-94.
God’s word consistently condemns those who take sexual advantage of people through deceit and subterfuge, yet this is exactly what many men do with church blessing when they are supposedly “disciplining” children and teens. A heartbreaking letter was published in an advice column of the “Los Angeles Times” and was reprinted in “POPS News” (whose address will appear at the end of this essay. The letter reads:
My friend and I have the same problem with our stepfathers. I’m 11 and she’s 10. When I do anything my stepfather doesn’t like, he puts me across his knee and spanks me on the bare behind with his hairbrush. Hers does the same thing. We don’t think it’s right, but what can we tell them?[9]
“Beth” of the “Ask Beth” column gave a very good answer to the young girl. What she could not say in that family newspaper, however, and what so obviously troubled the girl is that in addition to the impropriety of a man spanking any girl old enough to menstruate why did her stepfather feel the need to pull her underpants down every time she “did anything he didn’t like?” Anyone who thinks a man could have no sexual interest in an 11-year-old girl should read their newspapers once in awhile. A massive study at Duke University has recently shown that puberty begins as early as age seven for girls and is well under way by age 10 in almost every girl.[10]
An even more sickening example of the same type of perverted sex abuse was reported in the “Detroit Free Press” where a 50 year old man, who was a foster-dad to three girls and later adopted them, was charged with sixteen counts of raping and sexually molesting them. The girls were ages 11, 13, and 15 at the time. Whether there is enough legally allowable evidence to convict him of any Michigan crimes remains to be seen but perhaps most sickening of all are the sexual “discipline practices” the man freely admitted to through his lawyer in his defense.
Defense attorney Bradfield, through his questioning of the girls, tried to paint a picture of Christian as a loving father who regularly played roughly with his children, sometimes touching various parts of their bodies.
Bradfield got the girls to agree that Christian was a strict father who set many rules and would spank the girls on their bare buttocks with a brush.[11]
Leviticus 18:17 says: “Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter…it is wickedness.” Although this verse certainly covers the case of a man having intercourse with a woman and her daughter we have many other verses in the same book that specifically command against intercourse between people by using such phrases as “if a man also lie with mankind…” (Lev. 20:13) and, “the man that lieth with his father’s wife…” (Lev. 20:11). I believe that “uncovering the nakedness of a woman and her daughter” in Leviticus 18:17 includes even immodestly looking at the nakedness of your sex partner’s daughter. We have an account in Genesis 9:20-27, which seems to me not nearly so sinful as the situation the girl in the letter described with her stepfather, where Noah got drunk and passed out naked in his tent:
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness. (Gen. 9:22-23)
When Noah awoke and “knew what his younger son had done unto him” he cursed Canaan and blessed his two righteous brothers. Yet the stepfather in the letter and all men like him are doing something closer perhaps to what we read in Habukkuk 2:15:
Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
This verse is often mis-applied to condemn anyone who buys his buddy a drink after work. A more careful reading, however, shows that this particular verse is condemning a man who, in our modern vernacular, buys a neighbor drinks so he can “get into his or her underpants” when he or she is too drunk to resist. A man who uses the subterfuge of “fatherly discipline” to “get into the panties” of a child for his own sexual enjoyment is certainly committing a sin worse than this.
A huge disproportion of home “bare-butt spankings” and other sexually abusive “discipline” practices occur in situations where “the man of the house” is not the child’s natural father. In his book “Slaughter of the Innocents” Dr. Sander J. Breiner relates that (for overt sexual abuse not including spanking):
A stepfather is five times more likely to sexually victimize his stepdaughter than a natural father. Studies have found that one out of six women with a stepfather as a principle figure in childhood was sexually abused by him, compared to a rate of one of 40 for a biological father. Girls with stepfathers were five times more likely to be victimized by a friend of their parents.[12]
Complimenting many other studies that have established increased sexual activity among teen girls that were spanked at home Dr. Breiner notes a few pages later that one of several other “characteristics of the social structure of the female victims of sexual abuse” was the situation where the “mother still spanked the child at age 12.”13 When we hit the sex areas of children we violate their natural God-given sense of sexual modesty and dignity. Thus, with their resistance to adults handling their sex areas and hurting them in the process wore down by repeated “spankings”, children are naturally more vulnerable to other sexually sadistic adults who would prey on them.
As a final thought on this matter I personally knew a girl whose stepfather showed a lot of interest in “slapping her behind” whenever he walked by and pulling her underpants down so he could spank her “bare butt” even into her mid-teens. He often bragged that his sister had her bare butt spanked by her dad at age 19 and by implication he intended to continue the assaults on his stepdaughter until at least that age. (Interestingly enough the boys were hit less often-and then with a belt while they still had their pants on. Funny how we seldom hear of a teen boy getting a “bare-butt spanking” from a man-but it is not too uncommon for teen stepdaughters). She escaped the abuse by getting pregnant and married to a boy she hardly knew at the age of 16 and I have read many articles and seen similar situations where sexual promiscuity is a by-product of teen women having their God-given modesty so crudely violated. In this age of frequent divorce and live-in boyfriends who like to play “butt spanking daddy” to their girlfriend’s daughters the cases that make the news are without a doubt the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”
Psalms 10:18 tells us that God will “…judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress.” Many backwards preachers, lest they repent, may share the same damnation as these sex abusers when our Lord returns. Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:31-46 that those who even see one of “the least of His” naked and do not clothe them will “go away to everlasting punishment.” While this verse seems more directly talking about not helping those in poverty how much more will those who “make children naked” for their own lustful amusement be condemned?