1 Introduction
This note is provided for the guidance of those who may have recently been placed in a position of authority of one of more senior girls, either in a institutional or household setting. It is based on my long practical experience of this subject as a legal guardian, and reformatory director.
2 Scope
The term “senior girl” is generally accepted to mean a girl of eighteen years or over and that is how I shall use it. As to an upper age limit, while legally a girl becomes an adult at twenty-one years, there are circumstances where she will remain subject to authority well beyond that age.
3. When to cane
This probably the most vexed question of all, and the one I am most frequently asked, so I will begin with this.
Given that a girl’s behaviour is in some way unacceptable, the first thing to do is to tell her about it. This may seem obvious, but I have met those who are considering the introduction of corporal punishment for offences, they have not even told the miscreant about. Of course they are probably right in claiming that she must know she is doing wrong but it’s unwise to assume this. So the first course of action is to reprimand the miscreant. This should not be a simple “telling off” however; make it a formal occasion with the girl reporting to you at a specific time and place (a study or classroom for example). First ask her to explain her actions (or lack of them). Assuming that no explanation is forthcoming, or that it is unsatisfactory, go on to rebuke her at some length, pointing out how a continuance of her behaviour will bring her to disaster and cause those in charge of her deep offence. Then dismiss her.
If there is no repetition of the offence, then that should be the end of it, and you can congratulate yourself on your powers of persuasion. If however the offence is repeated, it is time to consider sterner measures. Have her in again and this time keep the interview short, but leave her in no doubt that she is receiving her last warning. Some institutions have a formal system for dealing with disciplinary matters, and it may be enough to inform her that this will be invoked if there is no improvement in her behaviour. In a household setting, simply tell the wrong-doer that you have considered the use of corporal punishment already and that a repetition of her unacceptable behaviour will result in its application without further warning. By adopting this somewhat long-winded procedure you will have laid a firm foundation of justification for what is to come.
Again, at this stage, the girl may change her ways and if this happens the matter should end here. Having ignored one caution however, there is a strong probability that she is so attached to her habit of misbehaviour, that more drastic measures will be unavoidable. Here I need to issue a warning. Having come this far it is absolutely essential that if the girl offends again, she should be punished; if you resort to more words or warnings, you will lose all credibility and will never regain your authority. So however much to dislike it, a further offence must result in a caning.
4. First caning
Do not be tempted to leniency, but do find out if she has been subjected to corporal punishment before, and if so how this was administered. A girl who has been used to regular floggings should be dealt with much more harshly than a one who has perhaps endured no more than a light spanking. Having said that, less than six firm strokes cannot be expected to change the behaviour of a young lady of nineteen!
The punishment interview should be kept very short. Have her in; instruct her on what to do (adjust/remove clothing, adopt position), punish her, then dismiss her immediately remembering to give her time to make herself decent, assuming you have required her to remove some of her clothes! Above all do not be tempted to use any words of comfort. She has offended and she is there solely for the purpose of receiving an appropriate dose of pain and humiliated; this should be your only objective.
5. Clothing
This is another difficult question. At the simplest level any clothing that will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the cane should be removed or put aside. Obviously an outer skirt must be raised or removed. Slips and underskirts are often of very light material, but unless they are held very tight against the buttocks they will tend to “catch” the cane and reduced its velocity considerably. My own view is that the single layer of clothing such as snugly fitting knickers or panties is the maximum protection that should be permitted. Probably the most practical solution is to remove outer garments then raise underskirts clear of the bottom. In an institutional setting, the removal of a girls last layer of underwear is always strictly forbidden, for reasons of propriety. However, in a household context the lowering of a girl’s knickers has several points in its favour. First it raises the level of humiliation if the girl is forced to expose herself to a male relative. Secondly, the cane inflicts considerably more pain when applied to the bare skin. Thirdly, the wheals can be clearly seen and their severity judged, so that strokes can be placed with accuracy.
In some institutions, caning is carried out over gym knickers, thin shorts or cotton pyjamas. All these would seem to leave the bottom adequately vulnerable.
6. Position
The essential requisite is that the girl’s body should be adequately supported, especially above the waist. For this purpose it is normal to make use of some item of furniture such as a desk or table. The girl stands with her thighs against it, and simply bends forward with her arms and torso supported by its surface, leaving her bottom curved round its edge; she may also brace herself by gripping the further edge. A variation of this position is to place a chair with its back against a table. The girl kneels on the seat of the chair and again bends over its surface so that her whole body is supported and her bottom is even more accessibly placed. She may also bend over the back of an upright chair with her hands on its seat, though this is a difficult position to maintain once the caning has started – most girls have a tendency to jump upright. For the same reason the “touch toes” posture is inadvisable. In a domestic setting, where upholstered furniture is available, the miscreant could bend over the back of a chair or sofa.
The essential points are that the girl should be well supported so that she can maintain her position without undue discomfort while ensuring that the whole area between her waist and the tops of her thighs is accessible to the cane. Adequate space to swing the cane is also important.